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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 18:25:10 -0600
text/plain (101 lines)
Hi Jen, and all,

I appreciate your prayers. This is a huge step for me. You know, putting
those dreams you had so safely tucked away, out for the world to judge and
etc. No I don't have anything out on the internet, I don't even have enough
worthy material to compile a CD. Not all songs are worthy, heck, I don't
know if I have anything worthy yet, but the more  I write hopefully the
better I get at it. Thanks for the prayer.

At 06:47 PM 1/5/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Jen and MAMA-Star
>"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble
>remembering how to fly."
>Author unknown
>AIM: jenibear1998
>[log in to unmask]
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "MV" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:06 AM
>Subject: Directional Update
> > In case anyone cares for a follow up on the songwriting direction I had
> > asked for prayer a while back. I  asked God for several things, firstly
> > was
> > his will regarding the entire direction, and I guess evidence of his will
> > to be revealed as I stepped out  in faith. In other words I  felt inside
> > that because the songwriting kept coming up, and it is a desirous
> > aspiration or dream of mine which he has somewhat  gifted me with some
> > abilities, sounds conceited I do not mean it so, I feel like a plankton in
> > a sea of more talented folks, that it would be irresponsible to nix
> > that   inspiration and dream by tossing it off the side. With that I moved
> > forward, had some books scanned, bought one or two and having them
> > scanned,
> > joined NSAI, Nashville Songwriters Association International, a group
> > meant
> > to help and network anyone from just starting, to professional writers.
> > Having just sat in on my first regional meeting here in the Twin Cities
> > Minneapolis/ St. Paul, I found it to be very encouraging and friendly
> > folks. I was pretty apprehensive of what it might be like. I jumped in
> > with
> > both feet and submitted a song for critique   of just me and my guitar not
> > knowing what kind of critiquing they do. I was very encouraged by the
> > response. I did get some helpful ideas, however I was told the song is a
> > pitchable song. Which means is worthy of sending to a publisher for
> > consideration to see if there is any artist looking for such a song. Kind
> > of the bottom of the food chain but very encouraging nonetheless. I was
> > fortunate to just happen to sit next to a Nashville writer who was the
> > guest speaker and got to talk to her during break as well. Although this
> > week I'm behind in my actual writing and in the midst  of a dry spot as
> > Julie mentioned she is as well, I was blessed with a few songs recently
> > which good, bad, or indifferent, they are part of the growth and learning.
> > The Nashville writer I sat next two is having a workshop up here in March
> > which I'll be attending. The workshop is actually based off a  Berkely
> > School of Music course she is in the midst of being accredited into their
> > system. This is a great opportunity for only $45 as she is from this area
> > and wants to contribute to her home area. I'm also making plans to attend
> > a
> > Song Camp through NSAI in February which I just found a potential roommate
> > at the NSAI meeting last night, to share hotel expense. This is a very
> > exciting time, although, humbling time. I was wiped out when I got home
> > last night, I didn't realize the adrenalin I was shooting out having
> > jumped
> > in and submitted a song to be chewed up by peers who have been writing a
> > lot longer than I. The best compliment I got was from a guy who said ...
> > "I'll be singing that chorus all the way home..*I laughed in humility*...
> > no really I will" he said. I pray for continued direction with this dream
> > knowing full well god can remove the grace and ability anytime. I am
> > setting one foot in front of the other and if the toes aren't stepped on,
> > I  assume God is with me, if he seems down on my toes, I'll look for
> > another direction he has for me. One last thought and something to pray
> > about if you so choose. I have a desire   for a certain focus on song
> > content, and praying whether that is God's will for my focus. Being a
> > Christian , and aspirations to be an affective songwriter, one might
> > automatically assume you'd write praise and worship, or quote, Christian
> > market songs.  I believe there is definitely a need, however, where I seem
> > to be drawn to is the Christian values and principles, wrapped in a less
> > Christianese view by those who do not yet share those same values. That is
> > to say a secular market that is being infiltrated by  the Word in a manner
> > it can be affective outside of the Christian arena, if that is making
> > sense
> > to you. Anyway, that is where things sit, and in the end I hope and pray I
> > am on God's trek for my life and not running off with my own agenda, I
> > pray
> > for stuff and he supplies it so I assume I'm where I need to be right now
> > and continue to seek his direction. This all seems to me so selfish in my
> > mind in a way, yet peace of it as a whole is overwhelming.
> >
> > Brad
> >


   Give God what's right,  not what's left