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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 17:17:20 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Hmmmmm!  In Gambians, you see many strange bed fellows, especially when they
are desperate.  A discussion that started because of an allegation by Alieu
that Mr. Bah is in custody because of an alleged treachery by Last Card or
Essa Sey, has brought out the locust that were dormant because of prior
treachery and hatred.  Some how, the very ones that said here they're
fighting the injustices of Yaya and the APRC managed to form a united front
against Joe who as we speak never stole a butut form any Gambian nor did I
kill any Gambian.  Now, those same folks are in chorus with a Jammeh rep,
why, because it will get the job done on their most prized enemy, Joe.  It
all started because Alieu, patted Abdou Sanneh on the back and now Abdou, in
his quest with Pa Nderry, brought his sister (who was never mentioned
anywhere.  Abdou why?), in the process Mr. Bah is long forgotten.  Conteh
saw blood and joined the hunt.  Then Tunkareh in North Carolina (note I did
not say Tunkara) who has been running around lying about STGDP, has been
plying the L looking for an opportunity, but I'll catch up with him some
day.  Then we have our Edu the Philosopher to bless the offering.  Are these
people serious?  For these folks with the exception of Alieu (card carrying
member of the APRC), to make me a person of great interest, far beyond Yaya,
Singhateh, et al, is very telling of their mind set.

The lunacy has gotten to a point that even when Yaya lined up their
grandfathers, fathers, uncles, and brothers (yes, some of these geezers are
that old but you will not know that by their conduct) and cursed them out
and threatened to kill others that are opposed to his criminal ways and whom
they claim to support, this bunch manages to still focus on my response to
Yaya that any murder of the NADD five will end up with Yaya's murder.  Where
I come from, this is called insanity.  These are the same folks that when a
person like Deyda is murdered by their new found ally, they will recite all
kinds of verses from the Quran, but focus on their Hamburger in the next
minute, for that is the extent of their concern.  They say we have to come
together, when they never joined anything and are disruptive on the things
they join, thus they never can co-esist (control freaks).  They say they are
part of the opposition, what have they given to the NADD, nothing but lip
service.  All this while you have dedicated folks (men and women, Gambian
and non-gambian) meeting every Saturday for the last two years (every
Saturday my friends, November 12, 2005 the latest), for on average three
hours, doing nothing but mobilizing on behalf of Gambians and NADD.  Please
do the math on the number of hours spent to date, outside other discussions
throughout the week.  You also have the folks in MODD in New York doing
similar.  The folks in Seattle tirelessly raising funds and mobilizing.  The
folks in Minnesota, Tennessee, DC, PDOISGROUP, and many others spending
their time and money all because of a murderer in the Gambia.  If any
Gambian even entertains the thought that these good men and women are in it
because of a future in a NADD government, then ours cannot be repaired or
salvaged forever.  Folks, what these people do daily and weekly is what
dedication is.  It is not about talking about how dedicated you are, or what
we must do, you must live it, and you can never fake it, for you will be
found out and exposed like we have seen with this bunch.

I am a member of the STGDP, PDOISGroup, GAC, MGAC, and other orgs. and in
each one of them, I am just a worker bee, why, because my foundation
emphasized on organizing and teamwork to get the job done.  I careless who
leads as long as we get the job done.  Some of these geezers are older than
I but I can run lapse on them when it comes to fighting for one's beliefs
and dedication.  When Gambia was good to them back in the early eighties, I
was secretly distributing Voice of the Future articles on the Campuses of
SAHS and GHS and in the streets.  Not even those that I drink tea with
daily, knew that about me all these decades.  All knew how close I was with
Father Gough while at SAHS and those that were around can remember when the
CID landed on SAHS regarding the proliferation of those articles.  When
Jawara levied treason charges on Halifa, Sam Sarr, Pa Sambou, and five
others in the eighties, where were these knuckleheads.  Most Gambians only
know about Joe and Soccer in the Gambia and that is it.  So, they do not
have a clue where I hail from and the road I traveled and would just be
wasting their time today trying to drag me down.  I did not intend to reveal
this part of my life here, but to give comfort to these bunch that are
driving themselves crazy because they fear that Joe The Tyrant will LEAD
Gambia, or be a mover and shaker in a NADD Government.  This is called
dreaming of success before succeeding.  Relax, folks, I have a life long
project in raising my two daughters and countless nieces and nephews, and
the many many needy students in The Gambia.  So you can rest assured that
you can bank on seeing me right here with some of you to begin the
reconstruction of Gambia under a NADD government.  All I demand from this
bunch is for them to be guided by truth and honesty.  Is that too much to
ask?  For folks to come here and swear by the graves of their parents that
they have evidence for years that I am a snitch for Yaya and years later are
found to have lied and fabricated to their teeth, yet other hypocritical and
treacherous others line up to challenge my integrity is more ignorant than
twisted logic.

But the Gambia of today is infested with such persons.  Conteh and his
spokes person wanted to run for office, yet their collaborators levy that
charge against me, even though I have been crying to the tip of my lungs
since 1999 for the opposition to come together and have never stopped.  As a
matter of fact, Tunkareh, when he heard that STGDP launched the Voice of the
Diaspora weekly radio program, he was about to break his neck to be given an
interview as a Gambian journalist in the diaspora, check that out for
selfishness.  Conteh and friends have flipped and flopped between Yaya and
the opposition all these years, while I stayed put for all these years, yet
they lied that I am a snitch for Yaya, but some folks cannot see that or
their dishonesty will not allow them to speak the truth.  And so, they are
like old wine, just in a different bottle this time.  The last round was
Conteh, Tapha Fye, "the sister", Ebou Jallow, and Essa Sey.  This time you
have the two constant variables in Conteh and "the sister", along with
Alieu, Tunkareh, and Edu.  Abdou, is straddling the fence and Edi, well Edi
is just Edi, he has not yet made up his mind whether he is for Yaya and the
APRC or the rest of Gambia.  One thing though, I have no time for liars and
fabricators but I will meet them half way at any level.  So Alieu, please
help your friends to expose me, for they desperately need it.

Chi Jaama


>From: Alieu Sanyang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Joe the slefish
>Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 05:00:15 -0800
>   You are the most selfish Gambian one can see. Joe, how could you call
>everyone a liar as long as they disagree with you? You have this trend of
>being the worst dictator anyone can see. You do not have the guts to accept
>the reality.
>   I do not subscribe to Conteh's political ideas against Jammeh but
>calling him a liar just becauise he and a few other decent folks like
>Sanneh and Jabou questioned Nderry's "Essa Sey news outlet", is not ony
>immoral but very suspicious of your intentions.
>   As a so-called opposition, I think you need to ask your self first how
>damaging you could be to any party. I thank God that you and I do not share
>the same views. However, I think you need to some out more clearly and tell
>some of us who might not know you more about yourself.
>   Conteh might be anti-Jammeh, but he showed more maturity than you in the
>way he addressed the situation. It just seems that everyone else does
>better than you.
>   Joe, I think sooner or later you will be exposed.
>   Alieu Sanyang.
>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   Conteh, unlike you I am not in this for my wallet. Evidently you want to
>rule Gambia some day, thus the reason why you think all are in this for
>their own selfish interest. I do not have time for liars which you are one
>of. How can you assault the intelligence of the readers, when you lied here
>to them that I am a snitch for Yaya, just because I stood in front of your
>plans to be endorsed as a candidate? Time took care of your type and the
>witnesses to your lies are still here and waiting for your proof. That is
>the same litmus test that applied to Alieu. But misery loves company and
>like before, I will hold no prisoners, so keep it up. What you should be
>worried about is treacherous folks like yourself. That is the danger in a
>future Gambia, thus the need for a system change. When you sold your soul
>along with Sheriff Dibba to join Yaya, were was Joe? Right here. When you
>attempted to put your selfish interest with others to jockey for front seat
>at the expense of the opposition (now NADD), where was Joe? Right here to
>tell you to shove it. The only reason you and your spokes person quit was
>because folks ignored your lunacy. When you claimed that the only way NC
>will contribute to the opposition is if you can name your own candidate,
>whom turned to be your very self, where was Joe? Right here to check your
>craziness. So, a few dishonest individuals may ride with you, but folks
>here can make up their own minds about the turncoats among us. I am not
>going to help you out of your disgrace. But do not be mistaken, I do not
>have a problem to go as far as you want it.
> >From: Jassey Conteh
> >Reply-To: Jassey Conteh
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> >Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 08:43:43 -0500
> >
> >Mr. Sanneh:
> >
> > Thanks for your observation. I will be disappointing folks who
> >have advised me to ignore this person. He/she can call me everything in
> >the book. I have no interest in engaging this person. I do not even read
> >his/her postings. It would be disastrous for the Gambian people to have a
> >person in trust who has no respect for others. Could you imagine
> >entrusting such a person with power. Lord have mercy on the Gambian
> >people.
> >
> > Our objective is a free and democratic Gambia. Please remember the
> >following list members: Sister Jabou Joh, Elhajj Mustapha Faye, Edi
> >Sidibeh, Dr. Mabiba Saidy, Ebou Jallow, Mr. Ghanim, and etc. I remember
> >what transpired between these people and this person.
> >
> > During my unsuccessful bid against the PPP in my constituency, I
> >came across folks who had chastised me and called me all kinds of names.
> >would always smile. Well, during my recent visit to the Gambia, majority
> >of these people welcomed me with open arms. One of my supporters said:
> >"yesterday they said your were rude, and today they are saying you are
> >polite and respectful." I said: "Maybe we are all in the opposition."
> >
> > As we campaign against the APRC government, we must be mindful of
> >not impregnating dictators. We would be doing disservice to NADD if we
> >constantly argue on pointless issues. While this person has a right to
> >call me all kinds of names, I deserve the right to take his/her insults
> >with dignity and respect. I also have the solemn right to seek the
> >presidency at a latter date. Since all politics is local, I suggest that
> >we visit our constituencies during the next presidential elections. I
> >intend to be in Kombo East during the presidential elections. I hope this
> >person can also visit his or her constituency in convincing his or her
> >immediate brother to vote for NADD.
> >
> > May the devil that creates hatred and division among us, be
> >exterminated. May NADD executive resolve any differences they may have in
> >selecting a candidate.
> >
> >Naphiyo,
> >
> >Jassey-Conteh
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: abdoukarim sanneh
> >Sent: Nov 11, 2005 8:51 PM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> >
> >Joe and Jassey Conteh, as long serving subscribe to Gambia discussion to
> >group on the net, I think what matters is to forget abut the past
> >from the story about our humble sister. I have a lot respect about her,
> >and Mr Conteh. We lived out side in Gambia and calling families and
> >about news makes us to determine that Gamboia come first. I am alway
> >determine to know that it is our bit and piece that can lead a way
> >that I wanted to challenge the Gambian diaspora in United Kingdom that we
> >have to put our house in order cause 2006 is near. We all near a way
> >forward.please come me brothers in Uk for a way forward and replicate the
> >patriotic efforts our brother ub U.SA. I know we can make a diffrence.
> >Contact
> >Home:-01618771939
> >
> >Joe Sambou wrote:
> >Hmmmmmm! How convenient. Looks like someone missed the boat all together.
> >Interestingly, it is because of your fabrications of the past, the reason
> >why we have to ask folks to substantiate their claims against the
> >You lied here that I was a snitch for Yaya and ran for cover when folks
> >you to substantiate it. Today, whose integrety is in question? Yours
> >Conteh in case you forget. You have been proven to be a liar yourself so,
> >am not surprised that you will not be interested to know whether in fact
> >Mr.
> >Bah is framed because of what Alieu alleged. Do you think with you feet
> >or what?
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >
> > >From: Jassey Conteh
> > >Reply-To: Jassey Conteh
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> > >Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 14:54:00 -0500
> > >
> > >Mr. Sanyang:
> > >
> > > A code of professional conduct is indeed a venture for its members
> > >to consistently apply principles and standards the profession dictates.
> >Pa
> > >Nderry M'Bye has a right to report, but he should do so with ethical
> > >values. After reading Mr. M'Bye's recent posting, I became concerned
> > >his integrity and objectivity. Is Mr. M'Bye doing a disservice to his
> > >profession and the opposition?
> > >
> > > I searched every news outlet in the Gambia to verify Mr. M'Bye's
> > >narration. I could not find any source that collaborated his posting,
> > >except his own. Mr. M'Bye's narration and conclusion should be
> > >with caution. Was his posting fabricated? Talk is cheap, but one should
> > >consistently apply the principles and standards.
> > >
> > > As we move forward for a yahyaless Gambia, we must be willing to
> > >disagree with fellow comrades whose messages might be deterrent to our
> > >struggle. How could one openly threatened a dictator who has been known
> >to
> > >use every effort in suppressing the opposition? Should we not advocate
> >for
> > >a free and fair election thereby reaching the electorate that we
> > >desperately need? Why is it that the presidential election is going to
> > >held on a different date? Do you know why? Because Jammeh would use
> > >effort with his thugs to stay in power? Should we reach an agreement
> > >the APRC government on the rule of conduct during the election? Does
> > >opposition have willing and concerned external parties to monitor the
> > >elections? I believe we should address these issues before fabricating
> > >from afar.
> > >
> > > I commend you for your truthfulness regardless of your political
> > >doctirne.
> > >
> > >Naphiyo,
> > >Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Alieu Sanyang
> > >Sent: Nov 11, 2005 1:34 PM
> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > >Subject: Re: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> > >
> > >Joe,
> > >I am not a spokes person for the Jammeh government. If you have any
> > >questions with regards to what they believe or what I report on the Bah
> > >case, I guess you are intelligent enough to know how to fetch for
> > >information.
> > >I am not sure if you are lying or the Jammeh government is lying. All
> >that
> > >I know is that my sources are right.
> > >And again, it is your choice to believe in what you want to. I look
> >forward
> > >to the day we as Gambians are not being blinded like you are to the
> >truth.
> > >Did anyone prove here that what Mr. Nderry reported was true? Only
> > >Abdulkarim Sanneh had some guts to question him. He never came back on
> >this
> > >List to even explain. What did the "good old Joe" say or do about it?
> > >So big guy, let us all be honest to ourselves if we have to be able to
> >move
> > >our nation further. Let us all have our differences but still be able
> > >accept that we have different ideas and believes withou calling anyone
> > >liar.
> > >
> > >Alieu Sanyang.
> > >
> > >Joe Sambou wrote:
> > >Alu, fair enough, then I will just wait for Yaya's evidence against
> > >like the drawing of General Powel, of the nucs hiddin by Saddam. Alieu,
> > >have you read the charges that the government you are proud of levied
> > >against Bah? If so, are they lying and your source is correct? If you
> > >believe they are off track, then don't you think you should help them
> >beef
> > >up those charges to include Last Card and exclude Bah? Looks like they
> > >missed Last Card, totally. Hmmmm! Something tells me that this is a
> > >phantom from both sides, for if you have this evidence, you certainly
> > >cannot
> > >allow an innocent person get railroaded, will you?
> > >
> > >Chi Jaama
> > >
> > >Joe
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: Alieu Sanyang
> > > >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > > >
> > > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > > >Subject: Re: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> > > >Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 09:32:37 -0800
> > > >
> > > >Joe,
> > > >I am not writing to show any evidences. I wish you had the integrity
> > >ask
> > > >the guys who pulled the same stories against the Jammeh regime.
> > > >You have the right to believe what you chose to. It was not written
> > >you
> > > >to judge either. Call it anything you want to.
> > > >
> > > >Alieu Sanyang
> > > >
> > > >Joe Sambou wrote:
> > > >Alieu, you have also made some serious allegations against Last Card
> >and
> > >I
> > > >am interested in the substance of your allegations. Yaya said that
> > > >gave Wade fake documents, which both you and I know to be a
> >fabrication,
> > > >and
> > > >now you are saying that Last Card sent fake documents to the
> > > >forging Bah's signature, so which is which? Can you present the
> >evidence
> > > >you are refering to, to support you claims? I don't know your
> > >with
> > > >Yaya, but you can surely advise him about the rules of evidence, or
> > >this
> > > >the same as the Diskette evidence that he waved to Gambians about
> > >and
> > > >Circumstance"? Your charge against Last Card is very serious and
> >involves
> > > >the life of an innocent person, that you are morally required to show
> > >your
> > > >hand. Otherwise, I will just disregard it as "hear say".
> > > >
> > > >Chi Jaama
> > > >
> > > >Joe
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > >From: Alieu Sanyang
> > > > >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> > > > >
> > > > >To: [log in to unmask]
> > > > >Subject: The failure of Pa Nderry and Last card Sey
> > > > >Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 05:22:18 -0800
> > > > >
> > > > >The folks like Pa Nderry and Last Card Sey have seen their plot to
> > >breed
> > > > >blood between The Gambia and Senegal failed. Mr. Nderry, I think
> > > >should
> > > > >be ashamed of yourself and your family to be spreading news on this
> > >List
> > > > >that is not only inaccurate, but defamatory. You have been working
> > > >hard
> > > > >to disseminate news that is not true only to help your asylum case.
> > >This
> > > >is
> > > > >what I do not understand about we the Gambians. Anytime we have our
> > > > >interests to follow, we will go the extra mile to put our interests
> > >above
> > > > >our national interest.
> > > > >In your most recent lies, you said some folks have been arrested. I
> >am
> > > >one
> > > > >the few who rarely calls the Gambia, but to find out that there was
> >no
> > > > >truth to what you just reported is very troubling. This speaks
> >volumes
> > > > >about who you are and the likes of you we have all seen here.
> > > > >
> > > > >For Last Card Sey, it was shocking to learn that you are still in
> > > > >possession of Gambian government documents that you are selfishly
> >using
> > > >to
> > > > >put a dent on the Gambia-Senegal relation. It was surprising to
> > > >that
> > > > >you have sent falsely signed documents to the Senegalese
> >to
> > > > >show they were coming from Gambian authorities. What I do not
> > >understand
> > > >as
> > > > >a Gambians and an individual, is what is in it for you? In fact, I
> >got
> > > >from
> > > > >reliable sources that the recent Samba Bah case has to do with what
> >you
> > > > >false signed as Mr. Bah. Having Gambian government staples and
> > > >misrepresent
> > > > >them is a crime. I don't know why the Gambian government is not
> > >pursuing
> > > > >that from this end. You have been successfully using a lot of folks
> >you
> > > > >come in contact with for your selfish interests against the Jammeh
> > > >regime.
> > > > >My dear friends, there is nothing wrong with being oppositions, but
> > >there
> > > > >is so much and everything wrong with being anti-Gambia. Some of us
> >even
> > > > >with other citizenship identities residing out side The Gambia do
> > >go
> > > > >this far to promote our self interests.
> > > > >I think what this is all about tells us what kind of people folks
> >like
> > > >you
> > > > >are. I thank God that you are all out of the Gambia and will not
> > >succeed
> > > >in
> > > > >being part of any government forever in The Gambia. What you are
> > > >doing
> > > > >tell us how you will run your families and your country if
> >opportunity
> > > >was
> > > > >given.
> > > > >What I will strongly suggest for some of these individuals you all
> > > >defamed
> > > > >and faked their signatures, is to pursue legal actions against you
> >even
> > > >in
> > > > >The Gambia at your absence. I think if convicted, the government of
> >the
> > > > >Gambia and Senegal can certainly succeed in bringing you to face
> > > >music.
> > > > >I hope we can all live side by side and stop putting our national
> > > >interests
> > > > >behind our own.
> > > > >Good luck to you all.
> > > > >
> > > > >Alieu Sanyang.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >---------------------------------
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