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Thu, 15 Sep 2005 06:40:43 -0500
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Disclaimer: The following is not the expressed viewpoint of the author,
but expressed only for purposes of exemplifying a point. Thereby it is
responsible only to itself, whatever that means *smile*

Godly Smarts: A Biblical way to obtain the same knowledge as God!

As time passes on, building pressure on us to excel more each day, as new
pressures seem to come out of the woodwork of life, as new technologies in
human development, as well as technological tools arise and are discovered
allowing us to dig deeper into life's truth, as science verifies biblical
evidences which Christians have known for centuries and centuries by faith
in God's written word alone, as people tend to grow more towards two
poles, that of good and that of evil, we find a greater need to dig deeper
into God's truth during these difficult and end times. God, as promised,
never leaves us alone, never abandons us, and provides for our need
spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Praise be for that.

Have you noticed how you can read scripture over and over and over and
over and over, and each time you extract a new flavor, a new application,
a new facet or perspective in those well read words bringing them a
freshness you'd never expect?  Today I have just such a revelation from
god and since it is the word of God I have gotten this revelation from,
and we are meant to spread the word, I have God's blessing in telling you
what he revealed to me recently.

How many times in life have we looked back on a situation and wondered why
we didn't see a certain problem coming, why don't we know certain things.
Wouldn't it be grand to have the knowledge of things before they occurred?
Wouldn't it be so much more empowering, time and energy saving, to have
such superhuman knowledge not to mention how that knowledge could be used
to further the gospel?

Well. I'm here to tell you it is possible and I can prove it by God's very
own words. You can not only have more knowledge, not only superhuman
knowledge, but you can have the same knowledge that God has. That's right.
You can have the very knowledge of God. You can know just what God knows,
once you find the knowledge of God you will be equal to God in knowledge.
Doubt me? Here is scripture to prove it...

"My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and
if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you
look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then
you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-6 NIV

There you have it. Scripture saying that we can have  or find the
knowledge of God.

OK. now the little harratikc example is done and the real point begins. My
point is that in these end days, and all the time really, but more
particular in these end times, we are meant to guard what we hear ,
witness, and/or experience regarding proclamation of God's word. Notice
how the above example started out in some worldly truths. New
technologies, the need to search for truth, God will never abandon us and
etc. All designed to hook you into saying, yes that is right, hence
letting your guard down some, soften you up a little, and then bring in a
half truth or a variant of it, twist it a bit and slam you with a lie.

Yes scripture says that we can quote, "find the knowledge of God", however
I can walk up the isle of a airplane, open up the cabin door and talk to
the pilot of the plane and proclaim I've found the knowledge to fly the
plane, which is true, I have indeed found the knowledge to fly the
plane,  but I do not possess it myself, but yes indeed I've found it.
Similar is finding the knowledge of God. We find it through getting to
know God, and we do indeed find his knowledge on things, but we do not
wind up knowing what God knows. Scripture has to be taken in context, and
interpreted by other scripture. Such as we read that God's thoughts
are  far above ours. Finding the knowledge of God, that is, the wisdom,
understanding and intent of what he has written and gives us as guidance
through the Holy Spirit does not equal that of knowing what god knows or
has knowledge of. For instance Jesus will return one day, and yet
scripture says even Jesus himself doesn't know when that time will be. How
then can we proclaim to have the ability to know more than Jesus?

We can find or discover the knowledge of god, that is find what he has
revealed, but not be equal to him in knowledge. God is all knowing, we
aren't. I can find the knowledge of you, if I talked, communicated,
studied and hung out with you long enough, but that doesn't mean I have
your knowledge, or equal to you. Conversely I can find the knowledge of a
bee on my arm, but I don't know what the bee knows. I do know there's a
good chance I'll get stung however hehehe. Finding the knowledge quote
"of", in this case means to have knowledge of it's presents, to tap into,
to find the beginning of learning, to find where god's knowledge is, and
begin to obtain the breadth of what it's contents are, and not the quote
"of" which constitutes or cannotes being equal.

So, it is so very important in these days that we guard what we hear and
read, and that it match the entire word of God, taken in context and not
just a slice of God's word to fit our own desires or used to promote a
particular belief.
