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Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Jun 2005 16:37:45 -0700
text/plain (155 lines)
I'm praying, Angel.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: What a week!

> I know how you are feeling.  My son who is 14 years old gives me a hard
> with everything.  He takes advantage of my lack of sight to try to get
> with things he couldn't get away with if I were sighted.  We do yell and
> scream at each other quite a bit because I try to force him to do things
> way.  Blind people must have a sort of hands on approach when it comes to
> raising children because our children think they can get away with so much
> more than they should.  This angers me more because what he tries to get
> away with is willful disobedience.  He forgets he is 14 years old and
> he is 21.  He insists on playing with the wrong sort of boys and every
> he says he is sorry, I fear it is just an attempt to make me forgive him
> he can turn rite around and do the same sort of things again.  My husband
> has Alzheimer's and never listens to me either and often puts himself in
> harms way because he never listens.  I know he is sick and can't help
> himself but I often become short of patience.  I am going through the
> as well and am the only one in the house who recognizes this as a problem
> far as mood swings are concerned.  Needless to say I have a very short
> temper these days.  So, I would like to ask your prayers as the days
> proceed.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 8:59 PM
> Subject: Re: What a week!
> > Kathy,
> >
> > It is too long to try and detail but tell Greg that my youngest son and
> > came close to having a fist fight the other night.  Not really, but
> > something happened, like I said, it is too long to detail, that caused
> to
> > insist my youngest son leave my house.  My reason was due to the fact
> > whole incident decayed into a shoutting match.  My son, however, became
> > disrespectful in the process in moe ways than one.  I was in my office
> > he was in the kitchen.  He said, after something I yelled, "Do you think
> > am afraid of you dad?"  This is my son who has his third degree black
> > and is about to take the test for his forth degree black belt.  When he
> said
> > that, I knew the whole thing would do nothing but get worse.  So I told
> him
> > to get out of my house.  He does not know this, but I did this in order
> > stop things from getting worse and they were bad enough the way they
> > He refused to leave.  As over weight as I am, as stupid as I am, as
> as
> > I am, and as out of shape as I am, I am still not afraid of any of my
> > children.  I got out of my chair from behind my desk and walked up into
> the
> > kitchen.  My son stood fast.  I pushed him on his chest with my hands.
> > backed up, although he certainly didn't have to, so I pushed him again.
> He
> > put up some resistance, so I pushed even harder.  I was pushing him
> > the front door.  It became exceedingly more and more difficult because
> > Everett put up more and more resistance.  You might say he is quite
> > and my actions were, to say the least, quite stupid based upon our size
> > differences.  I continued pushing, anyhow, until he basically decided he
> > wasn't going to move backwards any longr regardless how hard his dad
> pushed
> > him.  So the idea of calling the police came to mind and I pretended,
> > key words here is pretended, to act as if I was calling the police.  He
> > decided to leave at this point but I broke his heart.  I should have
> > his nose for the way he was acting but being the smart ass that I am, I
> > acted as if I would call the police on him instead.  I honestly didn't
> mean
> > to break his heart; I just wanted to break his will.  I failed
> I
> > had sort of forgotten how much larger he really was than I am but when
> > are mad, certain things don't make any difference.  Anyhow, it was a
> of
> > a mess and I don't mean that in a swaring sort of way either.  Some
> > dumb things were said, and done, over the next few hours but I guess one
> of
> > my good traits is that once it is over, my anger dissipates rapidly.
> Plus,
> > I have been doing a lot of meditative prayer to search for anything that
> > caused my anger to get out of hand.  Preaching in Baptist, and now
> > Charismatic churches, as I have over the years, I've developed quite a
> > volume to my voice but I wasn't preaching very good the other night.
> > Lord allowed it, in one sense, to show me I'm not as perfect as I think.
> > Our deck swing broke the other night and we purchased a new one.  My
> > using it as an opportunity to say he was sorry, put the swing together
> > us and came through our back fence and put it on the deck.  Sandy came
> > told me what he was doing so I thought she was right and that I should
> > out and look at it.  He talked to me as if nothing was wrong, of course,
> but
> > we both knew better.  The Lord said, "You better show him your sorry for
> > letting things get out of hand," so as we looked at the swing, I just
> > reached for him and hugged him and we said we were sorry and confessed
> > loved each other.  Yes, I feel stupid but so what else is knew.  Yes, I
> had
> > some very legitimate complaints.  Yes, there were things which were
> > and needed fixing.  Yes, it could have been handled a whole lot better.
> So,
> > Jesus is still Lord and I am still just a servant.  So it shall always
> > Anyhow, I know, and so does Sandy, exactly how you and Greg are feeling
> > about Chris right now.  Gretchen is doing well now but those last few
> years
> > were no Sunday school picnic and if I still had all the tears I cried
> > that situation a lone, I'd have my own private lake in the backyard.
> > Fortunately, according to the Psalms, the Lord does keep all those tears
> in
> > a bottle for us and He knows absolutely everything we are feeling.  so,
> > Kathy, you guys will just have to hang in there.  Yes, even as pastors
> a
> > church.  Pastor's are sheep, too.
> >
> > Phil.