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The listserv that takes flossing seriously! <[log in to unmask]>
"Becker, Dan" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:46:44 -0500
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The listserv that takes flossing seriously! <[log in to unmask]>
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The missing chapter, forwarded on behalf of Michael. Edited to remove plain-text html coding; probably  haven't properly preserved the original paragraph breaks, spacing, etc., but I think I got all the words in here....


From: [log in to unmask]
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 18:37:52 EST
Subject: Re: Dead Awful /Act 3
To: [log in to unmask]

Act 3 
The gravediggers are  real salts of the earth who in their own  way have seen it all. Behind their  shabby exterior they are a wealth of congealed wisdom  and old school levity. They talk story with that  slow  easy drawl of Southern Eubonics  that is rich in the culture of the  agrarian life of this and  the last century  . Their words of speech are elongated  in the Southern vernacular  . Syllables and vowels like.... Re-ed ,....Be-ed  and
...Po- lice  color their  imaginative story telling about a  South  that is quickly disappearing.
To the contrary my masons are young twenty something¹s.  Brad Pitt Zorros whose bedroom conquests they think are the stuff of legend. They like to
roll their own cigarettes and paste them into their  dirty smirks   as they
boast  over last night¹s  foibles as if it were a 3-course meal  served in a chicken barn ..The fact that they haven¹t bathed for a week lends credit to the fact that perhaps it was a chicken barn. Females, hopefully ones that bath, allegedly come and go at all hours of the night as I get complaints
from the  Pakistani  management about multiple   people staying there.... I
tell em I dunno... ³I was asleep² and then shake my  head with a twitch.
To those of us who are married and  or on a diet ,this type of behavior might seem like  old hat, but under the swaying palms  of the graveyard ribald stories such as theirs never leaves  a dull moment  in a place that¹s otherwise , (dare I  say it?) .. dead. Since both the masons and the gravediggers find one another amusing and entertaining that makes for a good team. Our  job  here is to restore corbelling to tombs  and  rebuild crypts ,giving them  render  coats. If we engage in  bawdy  stories about life on the road  then so much the better as
the dead  never are ones to complain   besides they make good  listeners.
Despite our different social backgrounds we are all brothers of the  stone and the soil. True we work for the dead, and care for  there houses, but the fraternal spirit as craftsmen and stewards for the park they sleep in binds us. We work here, so to speak, with one foot on the earth and the other in the grave, and depending  which is which, this we feel gives us a leg up on life¹s perspective.
If anything it is our hope, that when that terrible day comes, and that bastard Charon is ferrying us across his fiery river that our endeavors here will be recognized for what they are and we won¹t be given the cheap seats too close to the boiling  oil....
Scene  2
By now the men here have created the perfect holiday table, and boy it¹s a beaut. Marble headstones of the 19th century are sometimes giant slabs of stone and this 9 footer is pure white. They  found it toppled over, exhumed it and made its surface of  dates and Masonic inscriptions a breathtaking sight to  behold. Lets see  for a Martha Stewart service of eight we  will need paper cups and plastic cutlery to go on the dates of birth and death; Oh !  and the center piece; a lovely construe of plastic mortuary flowers set in saw tooth palmetto and decorated with little green  sprigs of yew can go over the Bible  scripture,...lovely. Lets see now ...toothpicks from McDonalds will be at all the corners,  and sheets  of soft Charmin purloined from the  porta-jon will be placed in the rings of  cardboard toilet rolls . .Viola ! ...now all we have to do is wait for the punch and the ubiquitous Long Dongs. 
The men anxious about the festivities scamper about performing various and
sundry chores to make the place settings merry  by adding    touches of
colorful cedar  here and  prickly holly there; Oh and the  punch ,....the glorious punch...Shall go  right over the  good mans namesake  on the tablet ; but not to worry, we  have added another  place at the  table  should he suddenly  appear ..
Scene two   
Since Long Dongs will be supplying  the oriental repast  I must get busy and be thinking about going to get the ingredients for the punch. My options are simple.  Get into  the truck and drive two miles to a place I know ...then drive the  two miles  back, ...OR Walk 4 blocks into the Hood, which borders our back yard of the cemetery, to  the local package store ....It should be a no-brainer but ...the Hood, as  the ghetto is called,  is a struggling neighborhood  that reeks of  crime and abandoned housing. The prospect of no jobs and the litter of  stolen cars, drugs, and a humanity that is all but forgotten hold its tattered  infrastructure hostage .
To the outsider the Hood is not a neighborhood to stroll in,.nor is there any window-shopping to be had there. Like the graveyard it¹s not a place you want to move into, travel at night in or  pass through to get  somewhere.. However the package store is so close. I can see its twinkling Santa lights beckoning  me. The only problem I see is what path should I  take. The obstacles are few but  worrisome. Small bands of  loitering  teenagers in hooded sweatshirts  idyll  their time on stoops squabbling  over  games of chance and sales of dime  bags. Normally I am supportive of youth engaging in start up businesses,  but my lack of knowledge in gang signs and my skittishness over their  Pitt bulls puts me at a social disadvantage.
So call me old fashioned, but I think I will take a more circuitous route that  may take a little longer but has a better chance of success. My strategy  involves power walking and taking  in an additional two blocks, but what  the heck I need the exercise. I arm myself with my hardhat and
slip through the hole in the fence while whistling   the Ride of the
Valkyries for  courage.
The layout of such  package stores is  usually pretty  typical. Once inside if you are lucky enough to see what it  is that you are wanting, you communicate not  so much through talking (because that¹s  often impossible). You communicate by pointing and shaking  your head yes and no. Then if all goes really well , you then  pass your money through a  grimy plastic hole whose surface is pitted with the smears of  humanity;  (where it goes after that is anybody¹s  business ) and hope for the best. Once  an order is confirmed your goods are  delivered to  you via  a folding  open drawer operated by a hand  crank  from inside.; after that , any quibbling over whether you  received correct  change  is  hopeless an not worth pursuing .. 
My circuitous route is brilliant and works  perfectly. I arrive jaunty as a rube at a racetrack to the front of the store without incident.; Then just as I am about to enter its premises a big-kneed woman working the corner across the street greets me ....She is stout, White , well bosomed, and hails me with her smile and a fluttering tongue that reminds me like a barber waiting with a hot towel . I don¹t know what to make of it all. Maybe she likes Wagner and the Valkyries,  but whatever she likes my hopes are it ain¹t me. I wave her off  with  the gracious smile of used car  dealer  and
enter the premises actually   grateful that she is  there  . . I mean a
woman , a working woman ,able  to stand out here alone on the corner  in the
hood  gives me hope  that all my fears about this place   are unfounded .
I conduct my business through the dreaded  plastic hole and  watch my Franklin  disappear into a  steel drop  slot. The  sales clerk mumbles something and disappears .. A minuet passes then five  , and I am getting that  sinking feeling that I am  the lad  who  just sold the family cow for some magic  beans  .Happiness revisits my spirit  when the clerk returns and processes my order through the  drawer that flops open  with the hand crank
.I think I  hear  ³Happy new year²   through  the  dirty plastic glass and
discover  the clerk  has doubled the  hors d¹ oeuvres  order  with an additional two large bags  of, Sammy¹s  smokehouse  pork  rinds.
Overjoyed at management¹s  generosity I give a  wave of thanks  then exit
the store  this time whistling ³Auld Lange Syne  ³   so there wouldn¹t be
any confusion over the  Wagner  . I greet the good woman across the way with a smiling nod but don¹t want to get too happy  least she follows me home .  Not that the men would misunderstand , but  that¹s exactly  the problem  . I keep to my side of the street and hold up  the bag of beverages aloft  with both hands For her to see that I am all tied up.... She flutters her tongue back as if to say that¹s not a  problem.
Since brave men run in my family I start hurrying  my way down the avenue
completing several  stanzas of  ³Auld Lang Syne²  with my power walk   when
a shiny white Escalade with  chrome spinners  and gold trim pulls  up to the woman working the corner. Inside  a boom box rattles the pavement with enough force to make the bottle caps jump and spin in the street. The driver, a dapper young man with a gold  earring and tooth sporting a Santa hat  sideways  on his head  lowers  the boom box at the same  time he lowers the  electric smoke  glass of his Escalade
³Yo bitch ..where¹s my twenty dollars².. He calls over to her. She mumbles something  inaudible  and he continues with the motor running ³Bitch I waited there all night so  you could  give my  twenty and you didn¹t  show² he repeats for a second time  ³didn¹t show² as if passing sentence  . The  good  woman  with the fluttering tongue who had  looked so cheerful before now looked worried . but at about 250lbs I didn¹t think she was a damsel in distress. So I kept on walking.
Boy was I wrong. She  mumbled something again  to  which the driver  didn¹t like. Santa hat just shook his head clutching his wheel like a parent whose child has lied to him again. Too ungainly to run, the good woman is  now looking pale and  nervous. The situation begins  to deteriorate, The hooded sweatshirts never ones to mind their own business close in like sharks at a ship wreck. If nothing else this  was their afternoon¹s entertainment . .
Santa hat  pipes up     ³Yeah  ..well look here² ...²I promised my wife
here, pointing his finger to the back of the  car  behind the smoked glass,
³dat   twenty dollars was hers²..  and Now bitch yo telling me you don¹t got
it?  He again  repeats  ³don¹t got it² with menacing consequences  Suddenly
he sounds off  and plays the crowd .     ³Listen ! Here is what Ise going to
do...I¹m going to  let her talk to  you about it.²
With that a huge black woman with the muscles of a body builder exited the black glass of the car ...  ³Bitch whars my twenty dollar²  she yells and connects with out  warning  a round house that could fell  a  horse. That¹s it, I stop walking  The punch  lifts the woman up by the jaw  and deposits her face down  into  the sidewalk with a  sickening thud  . Normally I do
not get involved with  fisticuffs between women .,but this woman   isn¹t
moving. Before I could put the groceries down and  run over, the body builder  is  viciously kicking the woman from  the sidewalk into the gutter
.   ³hey  ... ³hey stop²  I call  closing the distance of a half of a
At this point Santa Hat is nervous , not wishing to make a scene he recalls his ³wife² to the pimpmobile and  the  two take  off leaving a  patch of
burnt rubber  for me  to inhale   ...   . I  make it to the woman and see
that  she is still breathing. The hooded sweatshirts  also arrive  and we exchange pleasantries over her pocketbook That has fallen by her wayside. Our  negotiation gets a  little  heated  when I call it quits and  whistle for my troop to join  me  from their viewpoint 4 blocks  away ..Just then a gypsy cab rounds the corner  and I  grab the purse and stop the cab  by waving  and  stepping  in front of it .  .
Cab drivers do not like to witness crime .So I had to think fast .. I  just simply told him that she had a seizure and had fallen  I crossed his palm with my last five  and asked him if he  could he please help take her to the emergency room which was just  a few  blocks away . ; 
He agreed .We both then placed her moaning into the back of the cab, I
tossed in the purse   and he sped off  The  sweatshirts sped off too  Either
they did the math and  saw my crew slipping through  the hole in the fence., or  discovered my beverages across the way  and considered it  the  door prize  ...

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