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The listserv which takes flossing seriously! <[log in to unmask]>
"Becker, Dan" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 31 May 2005 09:51:04 -0400
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The listserv which takes flossing seriously! <[log in to unmask]>
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-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:43 AM
To: Becker, Dan
Subject: Re: Problem processing mail file from [log in to unmask]

La croix Vrai
(the true cross ) 
The True Cross 
The Natchez trace is as old as time. Once a migratory path for the
Mastodon and the three toed sloth . this  Trans regional highway is now
circuitous route for sportsmen , tourists, and pilgrims of the faith
who believe  that there are roads for  nature just as there are for
commerce and progress . .
This road is completely without the signage and the trappings of
civilization ;.
and that is precisely why  I prefer to travel it   every chance I get .
Once upon it , I can set my car on cruise control  to the obligatory 50
mph or less , tune in some Delta blues and watch the  world go by  in
the bucolic scenery  of the forest and hill country of rural
Mississippi. .
 Here there is no   stop and go traffic.
 No  lights,  no clover leafs ,no  commercial trucks , fast food  signs
or gas stops . In fact there is hardly any signs telling you where you
are and that is just perfect for my wanderlust .,., .
No ,here only slowpokes are allowed  and   the only tailgating to be
found   are the deer and wild  turkey that    feed   by the road side...
 This famous route flows through the  entire length of the state and
harbors a safe zone for all wildlife not to mention bicyclists who
migrate here from all over the globe  to enjoy the freedom  ,and beauty
of its  open road 
They like the hikers and horsemen  that join them share in the value of
such park like  passage as a national treasure, a heritage if you will,
given to them from  a  generation now long past who manifested the
rights of this road  during the depths of the depression as something
else they could show the world besides a medieval reputation over race
and religion . .
In prehistoric times it was an migratory animal trail, followed by the
aboriginals and later the fur traders that dealt in the commerce of the
woodland culture  that made their home here .
  .A national path from the Carolinas to Natchez where once you arrived
,  it became a somewhat easy float down the Mississippi  to New Orleans
and the shores of the Gulf . . .  A  route infamous for pirates and
brigands  ,horse thieves  and gypsy merchants of every race and color
who followed the migratory path of the frontiersmen then traders then
settlers;  stopping off at watering holes and trade posts with names
like  Pigeons roost , Monroe Mission ,Witches Dance, French Camp  and
Emerald mound . 
Few roads from early America exist such as this one .
One with a history of  stories  worthy of telling and  retelling about
the  expansion of what was then the west  and  the migration  of newly
arrived peoples to what was then known as  the Louisiana Purchase . .
It seems like every time I travel  the Trace   I  experience something
. Once there was a bicycle rider atop an 1890's big wheel,  little wheel
bike, that took a step ladder to get on board . He managed  20 miles a
day and his only real challenge   was getting down from it . 
Another vehicle  I recall  was a home made  Stanley steamer  rolling
along at a record breaking 35 mph puffing away  with the pedal to the
metal. Then there was the time I saw a hybrid solar car. This
contraption of plastic and bailing wire hummed along with its driver at
a whopping  48 mph.(on a sunny day that is) 
The Natchez Trace seems to be a magnet  for the unusual and that is
because it is the most protected ,safe,  unencumbered   road I know   to
try out  any mode of  transportation  (including two feet ) that doesn't
ex cell  50 mph..  .
Here one can always   expect the unexpected ,. and so I was not
disappointed  when over the memorial day  I passed   a man in white
robes wearing a crown of thorns navigating  a huge cross upon  his
shoulder, and  making his way down the bike path of the   highway.
" Woa" am I seeing this ?
Since there are many who profess to be  cross bearers in this life  , I
will cut to the quick and say this is the first  time I have actually
ever saw  one let alone meet  one and thinking it might be my only
chance at real  salvation, I asked myself "Why not"  , take a chance,
....stop  and offer what assistance  I could.;  after all aren't we all
pilgrims on the path ?
Well more on that later .
The fact is normally I do not stop for strangers.
But since he  was such a  familiar figure  in the historic sence , I
decided in good faith  that the  value of  being a good Samaritan might
resonate  with him  and well you know  after all if I can't score with
him  with acts of kindness who can I score with  .
 I had to take a chance , Besides my attendance  record  for  Sunday
services  has been spotty , and I have been having a lot of indecent
sexual thoughts  over a Playboy I keep in the small room   so if  ever
there was a chance to make amends  then this was it  .
"Strike while the iron is hot" my teacher always said , or was that my
girlfriend ? Hmmm....Never mind 
I nudged my wagon  off to the side of  the road  and waited for my
cross-bearer to catch up .  This gave me time to think about what I'm
actually doing . Lone men wearing robes and thorns in the forest  can be
trouble  so I checked to see if the Billy club was still under the front
seat ..  It was .
Comforted that we were at least on equal terms as far as life on the
physical was concerned , 
I then began thinking of what I might say to him once he arrived . ..
"Hey bub  need a lift ? "just wasn't going to make it Besides what if he
was for real? Stranger things have happened here on the Trace  ..
I mean here I am in the middle of no where , Big Foot country surrounded
by a sundry population  who believe in   walk ins and UFOs speaking in
country  accents,eating grits ,collards and corn bread and waiting for
HIM all the time , and ...well ....here He is  , 
The very thought that it might be HIM was a distinct possibility  
And who could say for sure?  
So I began searching my brain for appropriate greetings  . First that
came to mind was something confessional....  "Forgive me father  ,for I
have sinned "  but I canned that because I didn't want to show all my
cards at once .
Then came a little something more gentle from the Beatitudes ....
"Blessed are the Greeks , for they shall"...
..no...no you Bozo   that wasn't it either ....  
Why is it when you meet famous people you can never think of something
to say ?.... .  "Counselor ,  forgive me .. I err ...rest my case" 
I was still fishing around for a proper greeting   when he arrived
bearing his cross and perspiring in the noon day heat .
His cross looked like a lot to bear , 
I had seen something similar to it at the San Gernarno festival in
little Italy NYC on the saints feast day but that one  had a lot of
dollars pinned to it and it was carried by 8  gorillas in tuxedos. 
 No this one was bigger but there was something  different about it .
"Thanks for stopping brother" ,he said almost  bashfully   handing me a
small pamphlet while catching his breath .
I felt as if I had been given one of those pamphlets you get outside the
subway , only instead of saying Vote Today or eat here in Chinese  it
was an advertisement  of his church asking me if Id been Saved ,  with
his  preachers  phone number hand  written in the page corner  as the
old one that was printed wasn't any good.. 
Dumbstruck I perused  the information as if it were the spread sheet
sad for the 5th race . 
I was sad  yet somewhat   relieved  I had met Santa's helper rather than
Santa himself . 
You know that  feeling  when you go into meetings unprepared . I mean
this might be the biggest client  of your whole career,  the guy who is
going to carry you over for an eternity .  The golden parachute and your
going to blow it not being prepared? Not so fast Buster I thought to
myself .  I  gotta do my homework;.  I  want to be sure I know all the
genuflections ,  creeds and buzz words  not seen the Mel Gibson movie.
I wanna know for sure .
Admittedly I am petrified  of being  blessed ,saved ,and  healed  all at
Its like signing up for the six pack abs at the training  Gym  , you
gotta die to get there.. Besides being saved I wouldn't  recognize
myself, and nobody  in my  old neighborhood would know me ..
Not sure  of anything   I blurted out the first thing that came to
"Nice thorns ".... I said breaking the ice and admiring  the cheap,
plastic rubber tipped wreath that encased his head . "Oh  yeah " he
commented removing them from his brow and wiping off the sweat  with the
cuff of his robe .
Since the thorns were  the kind suitable for traveling I guess he
brushed off  the compliment  off  like it was no big thing.
But more than that ,  his movement of the robe   afforded me the odd
chance to  peek   inside his  robe which revealed not the saintly
stigmata I had hoped for but   a  pair of very  skinny pale  white legs
held up by a pair of  bright Bermuda shorts topped by a  immigrant tee
shirt  with Nascar logos .
I have seen a lot in this world . People and places that make the mid
east look like a resort area.,but this was one of those times I had to
pinch myself .  The shorts of course  did nothing for his persona , or
my impression of him ,but at least I could tell he  wasn't armed, so at
least that hurdle was over .
His sandals are what got me ,  They  were impressive.
. No  wandering in the desert  on hush puppy's for this disciple  ,
What adorned those unwashed feet were a pair of   high tech
Birkenstocks  capable of the Shell torture test from Morocco to Dakar.
"Been traveling far ? " I asked... eyeing the sandals as if they were
spinner hubs 
  . .
"Oh about 4 days "   He responded  politely trying to shift gears to my
salvation . . 
I wasn't giving up easy,, playing 3 card monte on the streets of New
York  can fend off the best of them  
"4 days ? Where do you sleep  " I asked hiding the queen again from his
His eyes brightened ...and with that he got excited 
Without saying a word  he whirled his huge cross effortlessly  from the
padded shoulder harness  to a standing position by the roadside . And as
a pair of lazy hawks circled overhead  ,he spun the cross  like it was a
base fiddle for Duke Ellington  during the finale of "Taking the A train
The cross spun , and as it did so   he began    opening a series of
hidden panel doors revealing  a design so compartmentalized  that it was
scarcely  hard to believe .
 Inside the stations of the cross he had fabricated  a series of storage
compartments worthy of an east German spy. 
. It revealed a pantry of goods  and  survival gear  to keep him dry and
fed for a month .. No rabbits out of a hat ,no ladies sawn in half .Just
expert workmanship .
The  cross itself  was a marvel in camouflage . Constructed  of fire
rated Styrofoam flashing that was  laminated one upon the other  by high
strength glues . It appeared as solid wood ,yet inside lay a ca she of
M- Rations ,sterno cans ,underwear ,tee shirts , to one side  while
another held a  tarp , tent poles, and mosquito netting while still
another held  the water and cold drinks with a little side pockets for a
Walkman and c ds  of ZZ top  and Charlie Daniels and a pull of tobacco..
Not since the six days  has there ever been  such a   creation
   Like a quiz  master  he move through each of the  doors enticing me
the contestant  with some other  clever device he had fabricated  for
his  journey  .     
"Wow " I uttered in disbelief 
"You made all that"
The   comfort bar in a  Holiday Inn express could not  have done better
 the faux bois (false wood ) was perfect.. The whole base was supported
on high grade swivel wheels made of hard rubber . 
The ball bearings allowed for the spin of the cross .  
"Yas suh  " he responded with pride  " 
"It took some doing , altogether on and off about a month"  he said
opening and closing all the cabinets .reveling other  little cubby holes
for  toilet paper  toothbrush, mouth wash, pen and paper and of course
the Good Book  with all his pamphlets and phone numbers so organized and
accounted for  that one would think he was running numbers for Charlie
Lucky . . .  I was impressed..  ;  I felt he was a gifted craftsman  and
that  we finally  had something besides the inevitable  to talk about .
I offered him a ride  to the next stop which was about an hour of
getting to know one another 
So we loaded him up with the cross sticking half  out the window and
proceeded down the highway engaging in animated talk  about who was
saved and who wasn't  ..
He wearing his crown and the both of us listening to Robert Johnson
banging back a couple of cold   Yoo Hoos  from what was  for me , dare I
say it?   ....the True Cross . Py

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