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Jonathan Rand <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:32:25 -0500
text/plain (101 lines)
I developped something I call “The Weakness!”  Nobody knows what it is.
Every time I tried to move or speak, I would start to pass out.  There were
lots of weird symptoms.  Strange sensations in my arms.  Something I call
“SQUEEJ…”  Sort of a SOUR taste / feeling centering around the mouth &
throat area.  It felt like I was eating a lemon, & it kinda made me wanna go
“SQUEEEEEEEEEEJ!”  The spasticity & athetosis got A LOT LESS!  But I felt
like I was going 2 die!

I was able to push symptoms back by changing the way I move.  I can move
what I call THE ANCHOR away from a problem area, so spasms don’t occur
there.  The anchor is where the largest amount of tightness occurs wen I try
to move.  What I had 2 do, 2 feel better, kept changing.  Sometimes I had2
let the involuntary movements take over or I wud start 2 pass out.  If I do
that, my whole body becomes “loose.”

Anyway, I’m chemically sensitive, so I stopped all my meds.  Then symptoms
really started 2 fade.  It turns out, all of this was from chemical
sensitivity.  A little dust, (or even pollin), & symptoms start to return.
Then, what ever I eat, makes me worse!  I can activate certain spasms, (sort
of in REVERSE), 2 keep things from getting out of hand again.  Even after an
“attack” of the weakness, symptoms may remain until I consciously “stretch”
or relax things out.  The leftover discomfort, I call “A SQUOOSHY!”  :)
(Because it feels like something got SQUOOSHED, & I won’t feel better til I

Since I cant take drugs, I was forced 2 learn how 2 control the weakness
without drugs.

It took years though.  Since I don’t have a biofeedback machine, I just
IMAGINED different scenarios until I finally hit on something.

Bad posture actually causes me 2 lose a lot of my memory!

There’s lots of pain involved, plus vision loss, and emotional upset or a
feeling of SPEEDING.  Irregular heartbeat, “popping” in the ears, (sounds
like a bass drum, with every cylable of someone’s speech!)

But instead of drugs & vitamins, maybe MY technique could help a little?

& now I’m hearing that some of what I do, is like Yoga!  But I discovered it
on my own.  So maybe yoga can help?  (Modified I guess…  I can’t do REAL

  I can actually change my mood, just with movement.  Sounds weird?  I could
always do THAT.  I’m told its YOGA.

Call me GOO-ROO, I guess!  :)


>From: J C <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Fw: pain issues
>Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 13:13:42 -0800
>allergy meds, anti depressant, cholesterol med, synthriod
>Bobby Greer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:J C
>May I ask what meds are you taking?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "J C"
>Newsgroups: bit.listserv.c-palsy
>Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 9:05 AM
>Subject: Re: pain issues
> >I am taking Mag, Vit. D, and Calcium before bed. I will try adding zinc.
> >hesitate to add another prescription to the mix. I already take 6 meds a
> >day. plus eye drops as needed for allergies. I take melatonin to help me
> >fall asleep. That does help. The pain just gets to me some days. I also
> >use a hot pad at night when needed. What is malic acid?
> >
> > Magenta Raine wrote:I do! ouch especially when
> > the rain comes.
> > Ask your doc for a script for Elavil (AKA Amitryptline) to help you
> > better.. Also take a magnesium supplement with vitamin D and calcium,
> > zinc,
> > helps the spasms in my legs, or take magnesium with malic acid, this has
> > helped calm down the IBS. Hot showers always help in the morning.
> >
> > Mag
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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