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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:44:37 -0500
text/plain (48 lines)
I'm still working on Brad's assignment and I'm still trying to follow
John's advice about forwarding:  not that I forward very much, but, I now
have another question.  Right now, the way that I address a message is to
go to the addressbook, find the name, tab over to the word "to,' hit enter
and the address is at the top.  No problem, but I can't figure out what to
do if I want to send my message to more than one person at a time.    Doing
it the way I described only opened up a bunch of blank messages with one
address at the top of each one.  HELP!
You know who!  Do I have to sign this thing?  GRIN!

At 01:15 AM 12/14/2004, you wrote:
>Hi Kathy, If you get kicked off, then I'm leaving too.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:35 PM
>Subject: Eudora and Jaws
> > Okay you guys,
> > I think that I'm starting to get this.  I just have another
> > question.  Phil, Vicki, don't kick me off.  I promise, I'm trying to
> > this out, but some stuff just isn't in the help file.  Okay, when I used
> > collect mail in Juno, it would tell me it was collecting.  It would say
> > something like, "getting mail," or something creative like that.  Then,
> > while it was collecting, I could find out how much had been collected so I
> > knew that it was working and then, when it was done collecting, there
> > not only be a sound, like there is in Eudora, but it would say something
> > like, "transmission was successful.  So many messages sent and so many
> > received and I would know for sure that it was done.  Now, when I hit
> > control M to collect mail, there is silence unless I get new mail, but
> > otherwise, there is no confirmation that I've done it right.  Then, of
> > course, if there isn't any new mail, there is no cute little musical notes
> > or anything.  From what I've read, I don't know if I can change this and I
> > don't know if I need to do something to Jaws or Eudora.  You guys, thank
> > you for your patience.  I"m so sorry!  I suppose that another way around
> > this is to try to spring for a plane ticket to Maine for somebody with a
> > lot of patience to help me work this out, but Maine isn't the greatest
> > place to be in the winter, unless you like to ski or snowshoe and I don't
> > want to do that, I want to learn this!!!   GRRRRR!
> > Kathy