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Peggy Kern <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 13:36:06 -0700
text/plain (37 lines)
Kathy, you really need to write a book!  <lol>  I can't imagine going
anywhere in my pajamas, let alone on a plane.  But yeah, kids are gonna do
what they're gonna do, so all we can do is sit back and try not to say "I
told you so" too often.


At 11:28 AM 6/1/2005, you wrote:
>Hi guys,
>Boy are we having a week!  First, on Monday, our lawn mower and vacuum
>cleaner broke.  Yesterday, a dining room chair broke and the transmission
>in our car flew apart.  It just keeps going like that!  I do have something
>funny to share though!  Yesterday, my oldest son Matthew flew back to Grand
>Rapids to look for work.  We had a really nice visit, but Matt has, well,
>sort of let loose a bit since going to college.  Now get this, this is a
>boy who, all through school had to wear a tie and a button down shirt.  His
>hair had to be above his ears, you know, one of those Baptist cuts and he
>had to wear shiny dress shoes.  Well, yesterday, much to his mother's
>consternation, Matt wore, to get on the plane, his pajamas, flip flops and
>a Japanese bathrobe type thing called a Hay-o-ri.  That's not the right
>speling.  I was trying to spell it for the speech programs among us, but,
>anyway, it's this black bathrobe thing with flowers on it.  A friend of his
>picked him up to get a hair cut before he got on the plane, but they were
>late so he stayed shaggy.  He didn't want to bother getting his glasses
>straightened, so they remained crooked because of a loose skrew.  To make
>it worse, he forgot that he had one of those little pocket knives in his
>carry on luggage so, you guessed it, he got pulled aside.  Oh you guys, I'm
>laughing as I write this, but I"m also praising God that I wasn't there to
>see it.  I think "mortification," my describe me, if I had been
>there.  Unfortunately, Matt was lamenting the fact that he lost his bright
>yellow fishing hat at another airport.  Oh well!  Kids these days!  GRIN!

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