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Sat, 16 Apr 2005 09:40:12 -0600
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Hi Brad,

I think you make good points.  So do you think that god does not allow evil
into our lives in order to let us grow or learn or choose then?  That is
pretty much what I am getting out of this bible study we are having right
It is a study in Hebrews.
I don't have my bible or I would tell you where.  Remind me and I may get
back to you on it.
I am not so sure that god chooses the evil allowed into our lives, but that
he knows the devil inside-out and he knows the difficulties he throws in our
way which we are tested with.
It's our choice to take the right or the wrong path.
However, even taking the wrong path, can teach us and make us want to turn
around and get on the right one.
We are taught through the fire, not through always having things go our way.
If you will, by the blue bird of happiness sometimes flying up our noses,
not always hanging out in a tree on a pleasant day and blessing us with
their pretty song.
Getting back to the original point, this kid of Kathy's.

I smoked moocho pot in highschool, drank and in general did stupid fleshly
things but at 19 or so I made a conscious choice to pull away from it.
The dope part at least.
I continued in stupidity on attitudes and life style and such as that for
many years after leaving the dope and only recently started down the right
path in earnest.
So, what you see right now is not necessarily the in result of this kid's
life.  As long as god allows him to be alive and making choices, he can
always straiten out.
There may be more fire ahead of him.  In fact, I know there is fire yet for
me to endure.
It is a daily thing, even if you are living "right".
