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"Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Mon, 11 Aug 2003 11:26:40 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
Yeah, Mike...the joy!  Since we married "late", I think the stress of young
ones is more difficult for us than when my eldest daughter (now 19) was
born.  Fourteen years 'twixt the first and last is a long time in this day
and age.  Years ago, when moms had kids from the time they were teens until
menopause, society was more adept at having young and almost grown kids in
the same household.  The old saying is that rasing kids keeps you young, but
science says otherwise.  Still, I wouldn't trade my young'uns for the world!
Just when you think you can't take anymore and you feel like they're driving
you crazy, they do something that is so wonderful or funny that it makes it
all worthwhile.

Just yesterday, fr'instance, the boy turned his bed into a "pirate ship" and
pronounced it off limits to any female.  He came up to me in this
stream-of-conscience babble and said, "okay my sister can come on board, but
not her friends, just my friends, and you and mom, and, ok, my friends'
parents too and I guess Anna's friends would be ok, I think maybe I will let
everyone come on board"....<silence, deep in thought>.....bellows, "BUT NOT

I'll take all the whining and bellyaching for one of those jewels every now
and again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H. Collis [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Support for Kyle

Hey Kyle, tell Laura to taske it easy on the kids.  You're only young
once.  lol.  Ahhhhh, the joys of raising children... NOT!!!!!  lol

Cleveland, Kyle E. wrote: