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Steve Dresser <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 May 2005 10:50:29 -0400
text/plain (44 lines)

I've never used a 746 Pro, so I can't compare it with the 480.  The 480 can
be a bit verbose at times, but it's very easy to silence by pressing the PF
key on the front panel while it is speaking.

While you might have more twiddle factors with the 746, you will probably
want to consider how many of them are directly accessible from the front
panel, and how many of them are buried in inaccessible menus, which seems
to be a major complaint with lots of Icom gear.  You can have all the
adjustments in the world, but they're not much good if you can't get to them.


On Friday 5/20/05 23:14 Lloyd Rasmussen wrote:
>I know that accessible HF radios  is a permathread here on the
>Blind-Hams list.  From looking at specs, it appears to me that the
>Icom IC746-Pro would be likely to be a better CW receiver, with more
>options for adjustment of IF bandwidth, etc.  Have any of you
>compared it against a 480, either for receive or for ease of
>operation or control panel clutter?  I understand that the 746 Pro
>can take a speech board and speaks little more than frequency and
>S-meter readings.  Have you 480 users ever thought that your
>transceiver was too verbose?  I'm frustrated because my local HRO
>store is over 30 miles from here, and they said they never stock
>their demo radios with accessory filters, voice boards, etc.
>I still don't know when I will actually buy something new, but it
>might be this year.  My R4C really works, but I like general coverage
>SW listening, and the FS-4 frequency synthesizer is starting to
>become very flaky again.
>On Fri, 20 May 2005 18:00:03 -0500, Howard Kaufman wrote:
> >The ts-480 is really fun to use.  I hear that objection about the face of
> >the radio, and just for the life of me can't imagine why you would want it
> >attached to the radio.  What is old is new again.
>Some people think that the devil is in the details.  Actually, God is in
>the details.
>Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, Maryland
>home: <>
>Work:  <>