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Kevin Kwan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Mar 2005 16:07:14 -0500
text/plain (76 lines)
Well I love am dx'ing. Before I got in to amateur radio, that's all I used
to do. I run an inside Arial in to my dx 398 radio shack shortwave and all
the above stations you named were no problem here at this qth. The thing I
like about wmaq was that the old Fibber Magee and Molly show was originally
broadcasted from there. On some of my old tapes of them, the station id was
announced during and after the show. I especially enjoyed when they broke
for news in the middle of a sketch. You heard all the war news about Hitler
and that little squirt in Japanned. The funniest thing was they stressed
that anything you heard in the news reports were strictly confidential. Yet
how secret is it, if it's being broadcasted. When ever anything regarding
the war effort was mentioned they'd emphasize the point, that mum's the
word. It's a good thing lots of these stations stream on line so I can hear
it in fine stereo quality, unlike hearing it with qsb and what all. Kfi am
640 in la used to broadcast the Jack Benny show. In fact, some of the Benny
shows I have, has the Kfi id at the end with a time check from bouleva watch
time . Of course, with all the crap kfi broadcasts now, it's come a long
way. At one point they had all the good shows like, Dimension X, x minus 1,
the Green Hornet, and more. I think wmaq on occasion still run some old time
radio shows, but they seem to be fillers for when other shows are pre-empted
for some reason. I'm not a big fan of syndicated programming because it's
too widely available. I miss listening to simple local talk shows where the
dj made an effort to either be humorist or topical. Everytime I listen on
line to some hick station, I hear the same old tired shows like Rush and the
savage, and all though I hesitate to say it, coast to coast. I wish unique
programming could still be found but you've gotta search quite thirlely..
----- Original Message -----
From: "Louis Kim Kline" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Off Topic Radio Nostalgia

> Hi.
> The real problem is that the FCC either has a warped viewof the public
> interest, or doesn't care about it anymore.  I strongly suspect the
> second--that they have been bought off by the broadcast corporate empire
> builders.
> My memories of radio are much the same as others on this list.  I used to
> be a big fan of AM skywave, listening to stations like WLS, WCFL, WABC,
> WNBC, WSM, WMAQ, and WLW.  Of course, for me, WKBW was local, and I used
> listen to "Danny" every morning, even after I started listening to FM
> during other parts of the day.
> As for computers, there is nothing wrong with computers in the broadcast
> environment, but it is in how you use them.  I have never been much of a
> fan of automation or syndication, but consider the advantages of using
> computers to create copy to be read on the air, or even computerizing a
> music library to make retrieval of musical selections much quicker and
> I think the real evil is unprincipled corporations like Clear Channel and
> others who buy up every thing in site so that they can thoroughly control
> markets.
> Unfortunately, I also believe that we can never go back to how it was
> because the corporations and the government have tasted blood now, and
> are not about to let go of obscene amounts of money.
> The will of the people doesn't really matter because they tell us what is
> good for us and we as good little citizens go along with it.
> 73, de Lou K2LKK
> Louis Kim Kline
> A.R.S. K2LKK
> Home e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
> Work e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
> Work Telephone:  (585) 697-5753