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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Tamar Raine <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 May 2005 23:23:21 -0700
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
text/plain (56 lines)
I don't think they seek cures as much as just simply trying to make their
children's lives a bit easier. My mom really pushed me to become as
independent as i could be, as a result, my overwhelming memory of my after
school life, is a picture of mom and me driving to the clinic 4 times a
week for speech therapy, (which was the least successful one) math and
spelling tutoring, and special PT.  I oved the pt, hated all the rest. I
had girl scouts the other day, and horse riding on sundays, which I loved.

Please ask your Congressperson to vote FOR the MICASSA bill, this
will allow medicaid funds to pay for community supports
instead of isolating the person in a nursing home or institution.
HR 910 is the bill number
Senate version of MiCASSA (S 401).

Oakland Mayor's Commission on People with disabilities
~Tamar Mag Raine~
[log in to unmask]
IM: tamarmag48
Yahoo IM Tamarmag56

> [Original Message]
> From: Felice Tanya Vaiani <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 5/6/2005 10:46:46 PM
> Subject: new member intro and some well-meant comments...
> Hi all,
> Miss Felice Vaiani here. I'm 27 from Melbourne
> Australia. Thank Goddess that this is an active list.
> I have had Spastic Ataxic Quadriplegic CP resulting
> from brain trauma after a difficult birth. I am
> training to be a mentor for others with disabilities.
> I believe this is a list primarily for adults with CP
> and I am curious as to WHY so many parents on here
> seek 'cures' and 'relief' for their children. With
> -much- reverence to you all, having CP is okay. If
> your kids hurt it is fine to medicate them and seek
> some therapy, but please do not shelter them from the
> experience of being a person proud of having CP. Let
> them revel in it. I know I do and all the therapy in
> the world wouldn't change who I was inside.
> Thanks, I hope to find friends (and wise detractors)
> here.
> In strength,
> Fiz
> Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.
> http://au.movies.yahoo.com