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Adrienne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 07:47:28 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:34:29 +0900, Thomas Bridgeland
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Has this been a problem in the past? If it is usually low, it could
>just be the result of a poor night's sleep, or an oncoming cold, or if
>he did a hard workout the day before. BP goes up and down quite a bit,
>plus the inaccuracy of the machines varies a lot. Have him get it
>retested when he is relaxed and well rested and see if it is still high.

Thanks so much for responding Thomas! My husband had his bp checked around
1.5 years ago for insurance and a colonoscopy and it was fine.  How the
heck can the diastolic go from fine to so darn high in such a short period
of time??  I keep harping on him to eat more paleo -- not necessarily low
carb because of all the high intensity exercise -- but just more
veggies/fruit for carbs and cut out all the grains & dairy. He dumps sugar
in EVERYTHING just like my motherinlaw (now there's a word that makes my
blood pressure go sky-high!) -- it is beyond me why they don't all have
diabetes.  Anyway, I really feel that even if someone stays slim eating
refined crap ie canned soups, baked goods, chips -- it SUCKS for one's
health in the long run.  Men who are gym rats think they can eat whatever
they want because they look slim and muscular...  I think that the interval
training sprints etc. plus heavy weight training (free weights, russian
kettlebells -- he doesn't use machines other than the cable to simulate
motions to help with his softball game)are to some extent paleo -- but I am
scared he will give himself a stroke because high intensity raises blood
pressure and his is ALREADY high...

I'm begging him to go to my doc who is a big supporter of paleo eating but
in the end, he's going to have to decide if sugar, canned soups and refined
crap are  more important than living a long, healthy life.  I can't do that
for him...I grew up watching both parents (and now my only sibling) on
kamikaze missions regarding their health and thought I'd picked a health
conscious hubby because he was so athletic and in great shape -- looks are
deceiving.  I know that the first thing my doc will say is cut out out all
the refined crap and especially all the starch/grains but my hubby is a
bread and baked good addict... So much easier to quit booze that cookies
for some people...