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Persephone <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:26:00 +0100
text/plain (44 lines)
Hi Christy, and thanks for the welcome.

My blood pressure has stayed stubbornly below average at every test
throughout my life, even when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had a test
last week (one week into the paleodiet) and it is still down. I'm eating
plenty of mineral-containing foods. As for carb-withdrawal, I'm still eating
moderate amounts of carbs and think that it might be the fact that I've
given up all grains in favour of getting my carbs from fruit and starchy
veg. Maybe it's grain or gluten withdrawal with me rather than
carb-withdrawal as such.

It's encouraging to note that I'm not alone in getting headaches in the
early transitional days. Oddly enough, this afternoon my head has started to
clear, so maybe I'm through it. I feel *so* good already: full of energy and
all the old gastrointestinal symptoms gone.

Yesterday, I suggested this way of eating to a friend who's been subjected
to all kinds of medications and investigations for her years of suffering
from IBS. I have a strong feeling that a huge percentage of people could be
completely cured by steering clear of grains and/or dairy. However, most
medics keep on dishing out the pills and spending money on research for even
more drugs to 'treat' it. What a waste.

Thanks again, Christy,


> The
>only negative side effect is a transient frontal headache. I rarely suffer
>from headaches. Does anyone know what might be causing this? It's not
>caffeine withdrawal as I went through that a month ago!
It is usually caused by carb-withdrawal. A lot of people including myself
noticed this. Did you have Blood Pressure and everything sorted out before
started the diet? As you shed weight you also loose water you've been
retaining and with that salts. Perhaps try eating foods with a lot of
naturally occuring minerals and see if that makes you feel better.

Good luck and welcome aboard.