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Ashley Moran <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 23:46:45 +0100
text/plain (52 lines)
On Jul 29, 2004, at 7:06 pm, Anna Kihrani wrote:
> As a beginning paleo eater, enjoying listening more to what my
> body is asking me to feed it, I'm noticing that most often what
> it wants is animal fats.  I call it my "crispy duck skin craving".

When I ate chinese with my parents often, we had crispy duck a lot and
I always went for the skin.  I bought The Paleo Diet rather than
NeanderThin (increasingly this sounds like a mistake!), and at first
tried eating lean meat but it didn't work and left me hungry.

> I
> feel happy every time I eat a hamburger or three (from grass-
> fed beef, of course), and the other day I ate some mackerel that
> almost made me cry, it was so good!

I love oily fish too, although I won't turn down the odd bit of dry
fish (I don't know what the opposite of oily is called).  I've recently
found how cheap it is when bought whole, so I will be having a lot more
fish than land meat in future.  But one thing I do like is lamb chops-
they are the only fatty cut in the organic section of my local Tesco
and two make a very satisfying meal, despite their small size.  But
they are often 60% or more fat, and I would have trouble stomaching
this ratio in large amounts.

> I also get pretty clear
> messages about when to eat salad (not as often as I thought I
> would), and when to eat fruit and/or nuts.

I like salads but I don't crave them either, which surprised me too.
But I think I have a fruit addiction, which I'm trying to bring under
control (I deliberately only eat it in the evening).  And I recently
went from a nut-addict to being completely uninterested in them-
perhaps because I was sick recently and had quite a few nuts at the
time.  I have to say I'm glad of the change though.

> I'm interested in what someone wrote about skipping breakfast
> as a means to needing less food throughout the day.  I may try
> this.  I tend to wake up with hunger pangs (quite painful
> sometimes), and eat a lot for breakfast as soon as I can, and
> then become hungry 1 1/2 hours later.  I sometimes feel like I
> spend all day foraging for food!  (Not real foraging...)  Anyone's
> thoughtful thoughts are appreciated.

This has already carried on in another thread, but again, I was the
same.  Now I ignore the early morning pangs and I can go for 6 hours
without a morning meal.

> Anna
> in Berkeley