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Littlekat10 <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:45:34 -0500
text/plain (119 lines)
Snicker snurk!  I love it!!!  Hehehehehe lol!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vicki and The Rors" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: A Dream

The interpretation of the dream is as follows.

There was this guy, who shall remain nameless, and but of course, we don't
know him. I'll give you a hint.  His first name begins with P, and his last
name begins with S.  And, by the way, it doesn't stand for post script.
Anyway, the guy in this dream went to a place to eat as he was very, very
hungry.  The place is something like, Pizza... uh... Pizza something.  Pizza
Gut.  That's it., Pizza Gut    And at this gut wrenching place he ordered
this huge, I mean gimongous pizza.  He had them pile on one topping after
another.  There was pepperoni, and sausage, and cheese, and more cheese, and
pepperoni, and sausage, and shrooms, and olives.  No onions though.  and
finally a healthy more than a serving, yes I think it was a triple topping
of, you guessed it, anchovies, to which they added extra salt as obviously
those little critters weren't salty enough.  He took this pizza home, and by
the way I'm glad the Pizza wasn't from Pizza Hut.  For their pizzas are much
better than from, that other pizza place.  Or maybe they're much worse,
depending on which way your view or maybe your taste freezes.  And so this
nameless guy finally staggers through the door with this pizza.  He had to
get a wheel barrel to get it home it was so big.  Now he ate the pizza one
bite, or several bites at a time.  Now the freezer represents the coldness
at his house when he showed up with this wheel barrel of pizza.  And you
know, this guy didn't even share.  But then who else would have wanted to
eat it.  So the fallen pathetically helpless person demised by the freezer
represents his guilt for doing such a horrendous thing, doesn't matter that
the person was male or female.  The package in the corner of the freezer was

the last piece, which represented his last straw.    The nasty freezer water
represented the reaction of his poor overloaded stomach.

The Moral of this dream and subsequent interpretation, is that you ought not
to believe either one.  For they are both full of a substantial amount of
bologna.  One could be more full of it than the other.  One could be more
true than the other.  Ask me how I know.  And lesson number three, one ought
not to tell of things of whence they didn't specifically personally
themselves observe.

Pizza Blessings,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 9:59 PM
Subject: A Dream

> I had this dream recently that I would like someone to interpret for me.
> was dreaming that this woman, nobody that you know of course, decided to
> defrost her chest type freezer.  You know?  This is a freezer that the lid
> lifts up on rather than one that opens like a door.  So, anyhow, in my
> dream, this lady achieved defrosting her chest type freezer and as she was
> cleaning it out, she discovered a package of something down in the corner
> the bottom.  Due to her limited stature, she was unable to bend over to
> reach down inside to the bottom corner of the freezer.  She tried this
> first, of course, but simply was unable to retrieve the item to be
> Please don't stop here and meditate on this image of a woman hanging over
> the side of her freezer, her bottom in the air, her head lost to sight,
> her feet a few inches off the floor.  It could, if you thought about this
> image too long, create fits of uncontrollable laughter and this would
> totally detract from the seriousness of my dream's interpretation.  In my
> dream, this woman was rather athletic, or at least she thought that she
> so being a person of strong character, determination, and solid resolve,
> decided to sort of hook one leg over the edge so she could reach further
> down inside the freezer to snag the package she needed to remove.  In my
> dream, the worst happened.  This otherwise elegantly poised woman of
> intellectual renown and socially ethical dignity, slipped and fell, head
> first, into the empty freezer.  In my dream, fortunately, the lid did not
> slam shut on her but the possibility was certainly there so the danger was
> real.  Well, real in my dream, that is.  In my prophetic dream, or perhaps
> should say, in my pathetic, dream, the woman of great athletic ability got
> real taste of defrosted freezer water due to the angle of descent into the
> cavernous chest type freezer.  Fortunately, the woman, in my dream, was
> unharmed over all, except her pride of course, so it wasn't a nightmare I
> had but I want your interpretation of this most unusual dream.  Does this
> dream have any meaning for me personally?  Should I sell our upright
> freezer?  Does freezer melted ice taste as terrible as it smells?  Does
> dream mean my life is on a downhill slide?  I know it was just a dream but
> the pitiful sight of this helpless situation with the lady's feet sticking
> out of the opened freezer and her pitiful cries for help are still quite
> vivid in my mind.  Could this woman be a real person that I will some day
> called upon to lay hands upon?  Is it someone I know and must needs call
> giving a warning not to defrost her own freezer alone?  Oh, by the way, in
> my dream, this woman was blind.  A very sad thing, I must admit, so I
> identify with her due to my own blindness but I am deeply concerned and
> puzzled, not to mention somewhat amused, concerning the nature of this
> serious dream.  Please help if you can.  A woman's female dignity may
> upon it.
> Phil.