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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:33:32 -0600
text/plain (42 lines)

Amen! to! what! you! said!

Come! on! Christmas! I! Love! Christmas! It's my favorite time of the year.

Christmas! IS! Loving!

You! Are! All! Loving! <squeeze> lol.

Love! And! Blessings!
Pat! Ferguson!

At 05:58 PM 12/4/04, you wrote:
>Doesn't it just sicken you to see the blatant one-sidedness against Christ?
>We can't pray in high school but we can have gay alliance meetings, we try
>to raise our kids with morals and respect for parents and our kids are
>given ability to obtain birth control without parents knowing it, and yet
>those very parents are held responsible for the childs action???? We are
>restricted in law to not mention Christ, we can abort our unborn without it
>being murder but when the heat is on as in the Scott Peterson trial it then
>is counted as murder of a life of the unborn, we are fighting to keep the
>ten commandments in our courts and now on the historical stone buildings
>which they were carved by our forefathers, who, according to the courts of
>today claim our forefathers did not know what they wanted in that regard,
>they didn't know what they were doing. How insulting to denounce our own
>forefathers whom this country was built and more so the creator. Where does
>freedom of speech apply to us as Christians? Seems gays, atheists, and
>immoral people can speak whatever they want... take one listen to Howard
>Stern and you'll see the envelope being pushed on freedom of speech as your
>stomach turns, but we say Merry Christmas in a holiday parade and we are
>wrong??? What is wrong with this picture? We cannot say Merry
>Christmas,  but we can speak Jesus Christ in a fit of anger and use his
>name in vain, then that is OK. And what is up with that? I've never seen
>anyone dash their foot against a curb and blurt out a curse word of "....
>Oh Buddha!" or "Hari blankety blank Chrishna!". Why is that? Because there
>are greater forces at work at the ready to use every subtly to desensitize
>and reduce Christ in our everyday lives. It angers me to see the blatant
>abuse of our rights with favor being given to the immoral.