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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ray Audette <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 23:47:19 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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From: "Mary"
> Notice the reference to "fat free"
>  could this have been a factor in death at 39??
. It reminded me of a post I read several years ago on the raw time mailing
list. This post was a newspaper article written by John Mac. (not sure if
that is his full name)

America's most acclaimed longevity specialist - author of How To Get Well
and How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young With Juice Fasting - had died of a
stroke at 64. This was more than a decade short of 74.5, the average age of
male mortality.
Next cab off the rank, in 1985, was Nathan Pritikin - who suicided as
leukemia overtook him, at 69. Australian health writer Ross Horne, a friend
of Pritikin's, says he would have lived years longer had he only embraced
'Man's natural diet', fruitarianism.
T.C. Fry - leader of the Natural Hygiene movement in the US - did exactly
this, when ill-health hit him in his late sixties. He even died a
fruitarian: at the age of 70, of a pulmonary embolism.
Jim Fixx founded the jogging cult in the USA,
with his 1977 Complete Book of Running . One chapter is a scorching
repudiation of a Playboy article titled Jogging Can Kill You .In 1984 Jim
Fixx was felled by a heart attack as he jogged through the
streets near his home. He was 52.
The author JI Rodale - founder of Prevention magazine - had a more
comprehensive answer to the problem of heart disease, and other illnesses.
He preached a spectrum of minerals and vitamins, and an organic diet. I
asked American raw food writer Bob Avery how Rodale's story ended:
"He died of a heart attack during taping of the Dick Cavett TV talk show,
shortly after he had completed his interview. He was 72. During the
interview he stated his intention to live to 100. The talk show host
thought he had dozed off in his chair."
George Ohsawa, inventor of Macrobiotics ("the way of long life") had a more
comprehensive approach still: embodying spiritual as well as nutritional
values. He expired of lung cancer at 73.
Adelle Davis sold ten million copies of 'Let's Eat Right' and a string of
other best-sellers through the 1960s and 1970s. Davis came from the 'high
protein' generation which preceded today's high carbohydrate orthodoxy. She
used to say she had never seen anyone die of cancer who drank a quart of
milk a day, as she did.  Adelle Davis died of cancer in 1974, aged 70. The
average age of female
mortality is 81.
Britain's Sir Francis Chichester, lone sailor and fitness book author, died
of spinal cancer in 1972, aged 70. American health author Dr Stuart Berger,
who advocated vitamins, minerals and exercise, died of a heart attack at 40.