Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 May 2005 06:54:52 -0700
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
jasef harb <[log in to unmask]>
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Io pensa como semper que ille que vole usar aquello aut ille es libere de facer lo

Le lingua active habe ligatura, le linguas vivente es dynamic e flexibile

Si tu vole scriber La presidente tu es libere de facer lo omne lingua ha un evolution, vider le linguas de hodie es un action del tempore

illo es un facto ineluctabile et inevitabile


Allan Kiviaho <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
d[050506] x[Kiviaho Allan] z[KivA-566ub]
s[Re: Heresia. "Republica de Espania"]

[log in to unmask]

Heh, amicos interlinguistas!

Io regretta mi bastonata a nostre amico Stan Mulaik, sed
infortunamente io non poteva resister le tentation.

Io crede que le "obstination" de Stan con su "aquello"
etc. es le plus grande heresia in le historia del
interlingua, proque multe personas ha "attaccate" su
these durante le ultime annos e ille ha defense se con
multo longe epistolas e studios.

Il es possibile que le provas de Stan son
"scientificamente" correcte.

Totevia il pare que le IALA ha post longe elaborationes
constructe su systema de pronomines. Isto es un cosa de
compromissos proque e.g. le systema de pronomines in
latino non es multo consistente, al minus non in re le
pronomines personal. Compara con le systema de
pronomines de L. Zamenhoff in esperanto, que le
samideanoj lauda como "genial".

Io ha opinate que "aquello" es in contexto de
interlingua pur hispanialismo, nonobstante de
referentias a "accu illo", "ecce ille" e similar cosas
ex le obscuritates del historia vetulissime. Io pensa
que le recercas in re le regula 3/4 debe haber alicun
transparentia ex le horisonte hodierne, alteremente nos
va esser sepulte in le marisco de dogmatismo

:: Nota ben que a pena ulle altere grande cannon de
:: interlingua (salvo forsan Ensjo, le vice-secretario
:: general del UMI) ha acceptate iste "aquellos".

Ver, interlingua a pena falle si alicuno usa "aquello"
in loco de "illo" etc.

Io deveniva superexaltate quando io trovava iste phrase
del Grande Commandante ipse:

"Adelante compañeros, si el comandante estaria
hoy nos animaria a luchar por
aquellos [*]
que el siempre lucho por los PARIAS DE LA

Rehnström Kjell 050506:
Ego non condivide omne le opiniones de Stan, lo que ille sape
ben, ma su contributiones sur varie themas in iste lista es
quasi sempre multo interessante. Ego apprende multo de su
messages, non minus del vita in le Statos Unite de que ego in
general solo me informa via nostre medios. Quasi le television
me narra "Le fabula de USA" e Stan lo completa per pecias del
Io adhere al opinion de Kjell e tenta me abstiner de
adiitional colpos re "aquello".

Nota ben que un motivo mie a referer le "heresia" de
Stan es que io ipse ha certe tentationes al heresia,
como LA presidente, quando io orgoliosemente vole
accentuar que nos ha un presidente feminin in Finlandia.

E io semper usa PUELLA nunquam PUERA como es quasi
PUERO. In esperanto puero = knabo e puella = knabino,
i.e. un puero feminin ...

Il non ha un humano sin peccatos ...


Kiviaho Allan 050503 (in su stupiditate sin limites):
In communication intra-espaniol (in le Republica de
Espania) tu non vole usar castiliano.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lavin Jose 050503: Espania non es un republica. Illo es un regno.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rehnström Kjell 050504: Hrrrmfm! Le ultime vice ego audiva de
Espania le pais era un monarchia con le rege Juan Carlos.

Bon, bon, bon! Iste lapso de mie es quasi inexplicabile.
Io ha lecte multe de historia de Espania. In Finlandia
le supercilios era levate quando El Gaudillo adoptava
le prince Juan Carlos.

Quando io travaliava in Helvetia in 1983-1985, nostre
infantes debeva frequentar le Institut Montana, que
era un occasion extraordinari pro infantes de un
proletario. Interessantemente

[PDF] PRESS RELEASE February 2, 2004
PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... Zugerberg. Institut Montana is considered one of the
leading ... Kerry entered Montana’s newly created American
Section in the sixth grade. ...

PRESS RELEASE February 2, 2004

John F. Kerry is an alumnus of the International Boarding
School Institut Montana on the Zugerberg

Senator John F. Kerry is the leading Democratic candidate in
the U.S. Presidential Primaries. Like many others Kerry
received parts of his basic educational foundation at Institut
Montana on the Zugerberg. Institut Montana is considered one
of the leading international private schools in Switzerland
and has an excellent reputation world wide.

Since its foundation in 1926 Montana not only its students a
humanistic education but has also encuraged them to develop
open minds and a tolerance for others.

Maybe it was just the pedagogics of dialogue which has been
created at Institut Montana tat convinced Kerry’s parents,
Rosemary and Richard, to send their son to this private school
in the Canton of Zug. According to the correspondence between
the Kerry family and the school administration, they chose
Institut Montana over an institution in Berlin.

Kerry entered Montana’s newly created American Section in the
sixth grade. The Midterm Reports show Kerry was an outstanding
student in the Elementary school and earned the highest marks.
One of the administration’s letters to the Kerry parents
praises young John F. Kerry’s „excellent character“. Kerry’s
parents were very satisfied with their son’s developement at
Institut Montana and even asked for brochures so they could
recommend the school to their friends. They are by no means
the only well-known and important persons who have
entrusted – and still entrust – their children to Institut

Since the beginning Institut Montana has been a place of choice
for culture and a meeting point for intellectuals from all over
the world. Reputable authors such as Piero Chiara, whose works
are world famous, belonged to the early faculty. Children of
numerous personalities from Economics, Politics, Culture, and
from European Royal Families have received their educations at
Institut Montana:

Interessantemente un prince espaniol, Alfonso de Burbon y de
Orleans, veniva al Instituto Montana post que nostre filia (e
tote le familia) habeva retornate a Finlandia. Nostre filia
visitava ancora al fin de 1985 a Zugerberg pro vider su
amica, un puella anglese. Nostre filia incontrava iste prince e
illa ha ancora un carta postal con signatura del prince ...
Assi, io deberea saper multo ben que Espania es un regno ...
-- Allan K.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spanish Princes,
Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso of Spain
Prince of Asturias
de Bourbon, Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso of Spain, Prince of
Asturias. Birth: 29 Jan 1968. Madrid
:: Nostre filia es etiam nascite in 1968 -- Allan K.
Father: Juan Carlos, KING OF SPAIN (b. 1938)
Mother: Sofia of Greece (b. 1938)

Archdukes of Habsburg-Lothringen, the Chigi Princes – whose
family founded the famous Accademia Chigiana, an icon of
music – the Orléans family, as well as the Bourbon, von Hessen,
Rothschild, Bacardi, are a few examples.
The ethical principles taught at Institut Montana are more in
demand than ever and the school is situated in an ideal
geographical location. Nowadays the 240 students come from 42
countries. Only months ago the international institute has
opened a new facilty with boarding accomodation for 60
students and a modern infrastructure.

- - -



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