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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:54:01 -0700
text/plain (59 lines)
George called a little while ago and said that Jennifer was taken to
intensive care this afternoon.  They have her O2 oxygen level back up over
90 now so that's a good thing.  Her heart rate, however, was up to 150 beats
per minute.  Fear will do that to a person, you know?  So, Jennifer, her dad
reported, is very frightened but she is starting to calm down now.  I want
you to understand some things related to what is going on with George and
his family because some day, we all, at one time or another, are going to
face similar situations.  I have felt for a couple of weeks, even though
Jennifer had improved this week, that she would end up in intensive care.  I
didn't tell George what I felt because I wasn't sure if I was thinking that
or my spirit was telling me that.  Besides, the Lord never gave me
permission to say anything about it.  That's a very difficult lesson for an
intercessor to learn and I have learned the hard way more than once.  George
is the authority of his family.  Yes, I know Jennifer is 23 years old but
Jennifer cannot make all of the decisions for herself right now so the
parents still come into play when decisions must be made.  Will Jennifer
live?  As I have said before, I don't know; I'm not God; He's the only one
who knows the answer to that question.  Unless George has lied to me this
week when he said the Lord spoke to him and said "I never said Jennifer had
cystic fibrosis."  When George asked, "Then what does she have, Lord?"  The
Lord said, "Health and long life."  So, this is all I know is what God said.
Is there a variable in this situation?  Of course.  Jennifer is the
variable.  Jennifer has more authority over her own life than her father or
mother does.  If you had lived your entire life under these conditions, do
you think some where along the line you might get sick and tired of the
whole thing?  I know I sure would.  Does Jennifer's will supercede the
spiritual authority of that of her father's as the head of his home?  Of
course it does, as far as her own life is concerned.  So what is the bottom
line?  This all is between Jennifer and the Lord.  It isn't your business,
my business, or even the business of George and his wife.  George his, as I
type, standing upon the authority of what God told him and what His own
eternal Word says.  There is only one person who can override this authority
and it isn't the Enemy; it is Jennifer.  When my father was in the hospital
for three weeks, two of which were in a comatose state, he wanted to die.
The second day he went to the hospital, he called our pastor to come to see
him and they literally planned my father's funeral.  Does that sound like a
man who wanted to live to you?  In recent years, the Lord has answered many
of my questions about why my father wanted to die and why he gave up.  I
understand why now and if Jennifer wants to shed this miserable way of life,
I, for one, would never thing poorly of her.  I'd be jealous and envious
because she got to see Heaven before me but I wouldn't judge her for her
decision.  Also, keep in mind, it isn't uncommon for God to take things
right down to the wire, right down to one step away from death, before He
acts.  Will that be the case in this situation?  How should I know?  I know
what I want for Jennifer and her mom and her dad and I know Jesus said He
would give us what we want but we don't know right now what Jennifer wants
and she is the only one who counts right now.  George knows a 71 year old
preacher in his town whom he helps with a mission he has to the poor.  This
man was dying in the hospital many years ago with a heart attack.  He said
that Jesus walked right into his room one day and said, "Paul, do you want
to come home?"  Paul said, "No.  I have too many things I want to see done
in your name."  Jesus told him that he would be fine then and He would
extend his life.  Paul runs like a freight train and you would think he was
25 years old instead of 71 years of age.  So where do we go from here as
Christians?  What do we believe?  We choose life rather than death and let
God be God and we stand upon what He has said.
