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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 13:16:21 -0500
text/plain (87 lines)

I sort of figured that might pull you out of hiding. Wala! Hahahahahaha.

I do not challenge the concept of "believing or not believing". The
scripture in Matthew however gives no sign of a level of "reward"
respective to each category of believers or unbelievers, it simply states,
"You guys on my right? You helped me, my people when I was in need, you
lived your faith, that is evident through your actions. Welcome aboard".
"you guys on my left? Your actions showed you did not believe, you did not
help me in my need through my people. Down you go". I'm of the opinion one
can say they believe and yet sit comfortably doing nothing to prove it out
of a lack of an internal changed heart, and god in fact sees that heart.
Just as well one can be changed and be compelled desirously to take action
on that faith, which then proves one did in fact believe. It is not the
works that save, that is an old and weary argument which we all here would
agree it is relationship and not works, but it is the proof of one's faith
and believe that is shown through the works. I do believe there is a level
of reward  for believers, I mean I would imagine, Paul, the majority
writer of the New Testament might sit a little higher on the eternal
hierarchy than most, I haven't studied that out for myself as yet, but
nonetheless it boils down to either you believe and show it or you just
say you do and sit as "Mister GoodGuy" keeping your nose clean but yet to

There are three men. A Christian, an agnostic and an atheist. One who
believes in Christ and does good works because of it. One who doesn't
believe and yet does good works. And one who denounces God and still does
good works in the world. Which one is saved. It is the motivation and
heart of the works which is proof. If not, an agnostic and atheist woudl
make it in by providing food, clothing, drink and shelter according to the
Matthew scripture. We need to indeed not read it out of context. The thing
is we as God's children rely on faith, that is those things we can't see
as being truth. God doesn't need faith, he is a "seeing is believing" God.
He has no time or need for faith in us to do his work and  provide
salvation for it, but rather he'll reward when proof is in the behavior.



on 11:30 AM 4/8/2005, Grant E. Metcalf said:
Brad,  Since you invoked my name, I reckon I will have to jump in here.

John 3:18: He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that
believeth not is condemned already, (why?) because he hath not (never)
believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The following verses go on to explain the reason for this condemnation. It
is man's refusal to have anything to do with God.  We all at one time
before believing in Christ stood condemned as this passage would indicate.
Here John, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is writing about one's
individual relationship to God through faith in Christ and therefore
meritorious works are not what is being evaluated as they are in Matthew.

In Matthew 25:31-46, (CF John 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rev.
20:11-15), along with the suggested references, are judgments of so-called
meritorious works of both the believer and the unbeliever.  The eternal
destiny of those referred to in each passage has already been determined
and all that remains is the degree of "reward" received by each
individual.   A careful examination of each context will reveal that both
believers and unbelievers will have varying degrees of reward or
punishment administered at the various judgments (2 Cor. 5:10, the
judgment-seat of Christ for believers as one example; and Rev. 20:11-15,
the judgment of the wicked dead at the Great White Throne as another.

It is important for our Bible study to be done with careful consideration
and not to lump everything together because it sounds similar to some
other passage of Scripture.

BTW, I aggree, "Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness."  Not only
in salvation but also with respect to our relationship to God in our daily
walk.  We also "walk by faith" and not according to the Decalogue.  All my
attempts to keep or compare myself with the Law results in failure and
frustration.  See Romans 6, 7, and 8 where Paul makes it very clear that
it is our mental attitude and relationship to God and the power of the
indwelling that that allows us to reflect the character of Christ in our

Listening for His shout! - First Thessalonians 4:16

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