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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 08:34:13 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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The Room Of Light

By Phil Scovell

I John 1:5-7

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare
unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness,
we lie, and do not the truth:  But if we walk in the
light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from
all sin.

     I was praying with a lady the other day who experienced a
renewal of her mind which you may find interesting.  I can't go
into details, of course, of the overall nature about which we
prayed, but it was the healing and renewing of the mind aspect I
wanted you to be aware of because of the distinctive
characteristics of the healing.  I had been praying for this lady
for several days.  My prayer was specifically targeted because I
felt the weight of the heaviness she had been carrying all of her

     As an intercessor who is called to ministry, you often
automatically sense and feel what the person is feeling.  In a
manner of speaking, you sort of become that person at times.  Not
literally, of course, but the Holy Spirit gives an intercessor
insight into a person's life in ways that allows them to pray more
focused prayers, either at the moment you are doing the ministry
work, or at other times when you are praying for that person.  In
short, an intercessor is called to either pray for a person, to
pray with a person, or to do both.  In my case, at this point, I
do both.  No, an intercessor does not always tell the person what
has been revealed to them by the Holy Spirit.  In fact, they
rarely do.  They only reveal such information if the are given
permission by the True Lord Jesus Christ to do so.  Now back to
my story.

     In this particular lady's situation, humanly speaking, there
was no way we could go to each of the wounded areas in her life
because they were too numerous.  To have done so, would probably
have taken years of prayer sessions to find them all.  In a
Secular therapy situation, on the other hand, it would not only
have taken years, it would have required loads of drug
prescriptions to cope with the pain in the mean while.

     During my own private prayer times for this woman, and I felt
led to pray along these lines, was that the Lord would take all
these areas of woundedness and heal them collectively and replace
them with His truth.

     Near the end of that day's prayer session, as she sat in my
office, she entered a place I so often see when praying with
people.  Half the time, people simply describe it as being blocked
or being blank.  This means they see nothing, feel nothing, and
seem to be hindered, or blocked, from going any place or sensing
anything.  The other half of the time, people describe it as
being in a room and most of the time they describe this room as
being minus of windows or doors.  If, on the other hand, it has
windows and doors, they are all closed and locked.  Furthermore,
they describe it as being dark and they always report that they
don't seem to be able to get out.  Most people often describe
this state of mind when they are approaching an area of
woundedness they are finding difficult, if not impossible, to
confront.  Some enter this state the moment we begin to pray.
Others return to it frequently during a prayer session, as I
said, whenever they are coming to a very wounded and painful area
of their life.  Such was the case as I prayed with this lady.

     As we prayed together, she entered this dark room in her
thoughts about half way through the prayer session.  As I prayed,
asking the Lord to collect all the painful and hurting memories
together as one, she reported seeing faces and images relating to
memories associated with the pain and unworthiness she was
feeling.  The pictures, like snap shots, began to flash by so
rapidly, she could only identify them as the memories of pain but
they were not stopping.  I knew then my prayers for her were
being answered and I asked her just to let me know when the
panorama of memory pictures stopped.  Perhaps a minute passed and
she said they had come to an end.

     As we continued praying together about the darkness and the
room itself, she suddenly said, "I see a door in the wall.

     At this point I should probably point out that what I am
about to describe is not guided imagery, hypnosis, verbal
suggestiveness, visualization, or anything of the kind.  It can't
be because I offer absolutely no suggestions as I pray.  All I am
doing is asking The True Lord Jesus Christ to reveal His truth to
the person so He, Jesus, does it all.  Besides, I couldn't
suggest anything if I wished because I have no idea where the
wounded areas of a person's life might be nor could I possibly be
aware of their memories.  In this lady's case, she had already
been healed in other areas and this was just a continuation of
the healing process.  Once she saw the door, it was my personal
thought that this door led to another wounded area Jesus wanted
to heal but I said nothing of the sort.  It was a good thing,
too, because I would have been wrong, as it turned out, if I
would have made such a suggestion.

     "I see Jesus in the dark room with me, standing not far
away, and He has light shining around him," she reported.  "I am
supposed to go through the door," she confessed.

     "Can you do that?" I ask quietly.

     "I'm afraid to," she said.

     "Why?" I asked gently.

     "I'm afraid there is something painful on the other side
that I don't want to see."

     I prayed about her fear, about the door, and about what
Jesus could do for her and the fear she felt.

     "He walked to the door," she said and is waiting for me but
I'm still afraid."

     "How else do you feel?" I asked.

     "I feel scared and literally sick to my stomach.

     I prayed about what she reported.

     "Jesus opened the door and his holding out his hand to me as
if to say He will help me enter the other room," she admitted.

     "Can you see anything through the open door?" I asked.

     "I see light; nothing but light," she answered.

     Then, in my spirit, I knew the place she was about to enter
was a place of cleansing, purity, wholeness, and great victory
and not another place of woundedness.  Yet, I remained silent and
said nothing.  I felt the Holy Spirit, in fact, encouraging me to
say or do nothing.  This was a time of decision for her and I
could in no way influence her decision.  It had to be something
she did on her own.  I prayed the Lord would go with her and give
her courage to follow his lead but otherwise, I suggested
nothing; absolutely nothing.

     Several minutes of silence passed and neither of us said

     "I stepped through the door," she finally sighed," with

     "What's in the new room" I asked; a little more than
curiously.  I could hear the smile on her face and feel the
relief in her voice.

     "Nothing," she reported.  It is a room of light."

     "What else do you see?" I asked, "more light?" prompted by
the Holy Spirit as I laughed.

     "Yes," she said confidently.  "I see no objects nor can I
see the ends of the room.  I see nothing but light everywhere."
Then  she said, with a little concern, "I don't see Jesus

     "that's because," I felt prompted in my spirit to say,
"Jesus is the Light."  I then explained to her how I had been
praying that Jesus would collectively heal her in all her places
of woundedness.

     An additional aspect to the healing she experienced, once she
had stepped through the doorway into the room of Light, was what
she said next.  "I am looking back into the room of darkness I
just left and it has turned to light, too."

     So it is with the Light of the world; The True Lord Jesus
Christ.  When He heals you and renews your mind, you are walking
in The Light; The True Lord Jesus Christ.  Light dispels the
darkness.  Darkness does not penetrate light but light pierces
the darkness and drives it away.  Jesus is The Light; your Light.
He wants to walk with you into the dark places of woundedness and
the places that generate the pain.  He wants to renew and restore
and recreate your mind by His Light being everywhere so much, you
are unable to walk beyond His Light.  This is true salvitic
Lordship.  Have you been there?  Are you healed?  If not, call me.

Safe Place Fellowship
Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado USA
Mountain Time Zone
Phone:  303-507-5175