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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:02:09 -0400
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Guys,
I haven’t collected mail yet, because I know that there is probably a ton
of it to wade through, and I mostly just want to give you an update on
how we are doing here in Maine. First of all, I forgot to tell you on
Friday night, when I told you that we were moving, that our cat caught a
mouse and brought it along, live, as his contribution to the move. It
made life lively, indeed.
Okay, on with the news. Liz, Caleb and Greg and myself moved into the
house, oficially on Friday night. By that, I mean that we slept there, on
the floor, but we were in! Chris remained aloof and stayed in the house.
He didn’t help with moving at all. When he discovered that we had removed
his decorative swords from his room, he called the police on us, after
threatening us, but then, he gave up the fight and went back into the
mobile home, which leaves us to wonder what the other end of the 911
conversation sounded like to make Chris give up so easily. Maybe he
learned that the police wouldn’t back him either. I don’t know.
Well, anyway, we made trip after trip on Saturday, as you would expect.
The electrician came and Rick came and disconnected the power and water
from the mobile home and brought our house to life and, oops, the plumber
didn’t do his job! Poor rick, he and the electrician stayed until 8:30 at
night to try to get things working. We ended up with one working toilet,
one working sink, not in the same bathroom and cold water for showers.
Rick couldn’t have known about most of this before the water was hooked
up because it was the water, shooting out in tiny little holes that
revealed it. Anyway, Rick was mad and our family really stepped up to the
plate to help him feel better. He’s such a sweety. I really like the
electrician too. WE all got to know each other pretty well by the end of
the evening.
Chris did help move things on Saturday, especially his things. He had
decided that he would take the fourth bedroom after all since the
basement was getting filled with so much stuff. Then, Sunday, he decided
that he wanted the basement after all and moved there and that is where
he is now and the fourth bedroom is our office after all. My brane is
really fried right now. I’m so tired, but I do want to give you the
I do have a praise or two also. First of all, yesterday, Chris didn’t go
to church with us, I stood up and, at first I couldn’t speak, and then, I
broke down and just thanked everybody for praying for our family. I just
couldn’t stop crying. The ones who know what is going on, know, and the
ones who don’t know will at least pray, because they know that we need
it. I got so many hugs after church. Greg told me later, "this church is
becoming a midwestern church." Yesterday, I could believe it.
Then, I had mentioned in my message on Friday that I was afraid of being
alone with Chris today and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Well, a
lady at church, who’s son is one of Chris’s friends, offered to come over
today and help me clean. She did it too. And, because she was here, Chris
was on his best behavior, because he doesn’t want her to know what he is
really like and he was helpful again and did a lot of the grunt work of
moving things.
Also, Family Preservation, finally called us back today and we are
beginning the process of getting real help and innervention for our
family with Chris. We should not have to live with this kind of behavior,
and the people that I talked to today, from two different organizations
that we will be working with, were very supportive of me. I had been
praying so hard about this because I just keep getting so many closed
doors, but today was very reassuring and I just had to share.
Oh yah, by the way, the plumber came back today to finally finish his
job. I guess he went on a weekend get away or something. Anyway, I didn’t
dare yell at him because I want to take a hot shower, or maybe a bubble
bath. Well, He left and told me that the job was done, but Liz
discovered, when she took a bath, in the maine bathroom, that the drain
isn’t working right. Then, I discovered that I can’t open my silverware
drawer unless I open the dish washer door, they are at a 90 degree angle
to each other and he brought the wrong color toilet seats. I haven’t
tried my tub yet, but I’ll let you know. Rick doesn’t know about this
yet, but we’ll have to make some more calls I guess. I hope that Rick
ditches this pplumber. Rick is too good to have a guy like this as a sub
Anyway, I’m exhausted and I still have to keep cleaning the old place and
figuring out where to put things in the new. I’m sorry if this message
sounded like a free association thing, but I’ve just got so much to share
and not much brane power to share it. Things will calm down again soon
and I’ll start making sence again, honest. ]Until then,
Crazy Kathy signing off!

Oh, P.S.
We had our first couple look at the mobile home tonight.  We have one or
two more comeing tomorrow.  Please pray that this thing sells quickly.

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