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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Aug 2004 23:31:17 -0500
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)

You asked why I thought the chip was the mark. Ever since I heard of the
Digital Angel a half a dozen or better years ago or so, and all it could do
I've not just thought, but have what I believe to be a prompting of the
Holy Spirit that this will be it. I have no super formula for thinking
this, just basic scripture regarding the last days as you've mentioned as
well, and a very real prompting I feel from God. For sometime my wife and I
have been watching old reruns via DVD of a TV show here in the states
called Little House on the Prairie. The actual place in which the real
people on which the TV show was based upon took place here in Wisconsin
only about 45 mins from here as well as a couple towns west of here , one
of which loving Pat lives. My wife and I  are both drawn to this show as it
is a bit of a relief from the day to day hub-bub of today. In looking back
at how people lived only a 100 years or so and looking at the enroads and
changes that have taken place, especially after the implementation of
computers it is staggering. We have technology that will read these notes
on your computer right through the walls of your house from the street via
magnetic frequency sensors, of course the RFID in which the article was
written, and so much more we likely do not even know. With the reliance of
credit cards and other electronic money in this day and the power of
companies like Walmart and etc. I believe it could happen within my
lifetime yet in which it be mandatory to have  a chip implant to buy or
sell. You can see this by Walmart's demanding that their suppliers have
RFID or they will not buy the products from them. I see similar electronic
money in the vending industry I'm in where in Japan they use Electronic
Wallets, cell phones with electronic money in them where you wave the phone
at a vending machine and make your selection. This chip technology could
well be imposed upon the general public. I'm fourty years old now, I plan
to live at least another of or 50 years, and when you look back at what
things were like 40 or 50 years ago and see the advancements, impositions
and etc. it is plain to me this mark can be upon us within the next handful
of decades. Look at how quickly the security measures have changed since
911. Much can be accomplished if they wish it to, and all it takes is a
good reason to mandate it in the name of safer kids, less crime, more
efficient disbursement of food in a growing world or perhaps with the
continuation and likely never ending war on terrorism, a better way to
monitor that situation. Of course you and I know terrorist will find a way
around it and leave the imposition of a mark upon those who are innocent. I
agree things will become much more reliant upon god's intervention to allow
his people to survive. I think of David when Saul was planning to pin him
to the wall for the attention he got for killing more enemies. David found
himself in a survival mode yet relied on God. I believe that is what will
occur when the mark is imposed on people. Of course it will  not brought
into place by mandating it right off. It will be brought in as we have seen
over the past years, little blips of it here and there to get people warmed
up to the idea it is coming. Then a slight use of it such as we seen in
this article, or as here in the USA, you cannot buy a dog from a breeder or
from a pound without that pup having a chip in it's ear. After people have
been warmed up to it, they will create an incentive for people to get it,
after an incentive, it will be made much harder and more of an
inconvenience for anyone to get along without it, and finally then they
will mandate it. I am not speaking prophetically as if sent from God, I
just know human nature from living long enough in this world, and believe
God has given me some ability to read the writing on the wall as it were. I
was pondering on this whole idea earlier and I  heard or felt a prompting
to say that this mark, will not be like it was with Y2K with many people,
it will not be a big emergency scare, nor a big after thought of what to do
with all the extra stuff bought in preparation. It is not something
temporary in which we can rely on computers to fix the problem as in Y2K
although it was the computers that were meant to be the problem, but rather
this will be a way  of life and will continually be harder to get along as
time goes on.  Just as anyone, I have no idea when any of the end times
things will take place, and we need be careful to not falsely proclaim the
wars we hear of are the rumors of war talked about in scripture as wars
have taken place since time began. There are so many things that can be
made to fit Scripture's description of latter days, and we are no doubt in
the latter days as was Jesus when he was here, but we need be watchers as
he has said, because he will come seemingly very fast to those who have not
been paying attention. I am not an alarmist, I am not one given to
paranoia, or to get excited about things at their first appearance as most
things in the world are temporary or will adjust or people make adjustments
to and so  anxiety is of no use. But this chip I feel in my heart, is the
mark which Scripture's talks. The size of these chips have gone down over
the years I believe and will be able to be injected. Just think, even going
to the doctor for a shot of meds could risk getting the mark without even
knowing it. None of our governments are past doing so without it's citizens
being aware. Things definitely will get interesting when that day comes
upon people. What then will we , as Christians do and ought we prepare for
such a day if we see it coming? And what preparatins might we do to protect
our families and  fellow  Christians.



   Strive to be insulated, not insulated