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Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
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Equal Access to Software & Information <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Apr 2008 18:44:00 -0700
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EASI Webinar Snapshot Choosing Reliable Assistive Products
Wed. April 16 2 PM Eastern

President Reagan once said, "Trust but verify!" and this is a good rule in 
selecting products whose vendors say are accessible.  Section 508 relates 
to making purchases and it has tools to help you.  The VPAT, Voluntary 
Product Accessibility Template, is a device jointly created by the 
Information Technology Industries Council and the U.S. General Services 
Administration (GSA) to help vendors meet the 508 standards and help 
purchasers understand what the vendor is doing to meet those 508 standards.

EASI's Webinar Snapshots are short, to-the-point presentations and we will 
only begin to scratch the surface of introducing the VPAT.  Many of us have 
come to associate Section 508 with Web standards, but Section 508 actually 
has 8 sections dealing with other topics such as video, self contained 
devices and more.  This Snapshot will give a quick overview of the Section 
508 sub sections and a quick overview of the VPAT.  In May the Webinar 
Snapshot will introduce the government Services Administration Accessible 
Buying Guide.

These Snapshots are a preview for a in-depth 4-part presentation this fall 
giving a detailed understanding of the 508 sub sections and of how to write 
and understand the Voluntary Product Accessible Template.

Norman Coombs
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