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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 08:40:32 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)

It is difficult to say if such a change will be profitable or not.
Sometimes it works wonders and especially if where he goes is Christian in
nature.  The further away it is, the better, sort of speak, from where he
lives.  Yes, I have heard of Teen Challenge but know nothing of them other
than the name.  It is a difficult one to call, Kathy.  We sent Gretchen once
to a Christian ministry in Missouri due to her friends and unruly behavior.
It didn't work.  It may have if we would have allowed her to stay but the
ministry turned out to be something I could not cope with in many ways.
There most certainly are some ministries well worth it for teenagers.
Chris, as with most teenagers, has an acceptance problem which means, he
will get arrested and jailed eventually.  this often becomes a badge of
honor among those whom he wishes to impress.  I wish I could offer you some
simple answer but generally there just isn't one.  Gretchens bad behavior
and rebellion began at about eleven, if not before, and was continuous until
a year ago.  She is almost 26 years of age now.  She nearly lost her
children.  She is still a felon, on hold, sort of speak, until her drug
program is over.  She is over, that is, now that she is living at home, but
there is a little matter of 4200 dollars which has to be paid to the county
and they give her two years to pay that back.  This was to pay for all the
drug and alcohol classes she was required to take but didn't because she was
allowed to go into the home.  Victory Outreach is the name of the church she
is in which is a worldwide ministry to people but I don't know if they would
take a teen who is just acting rebellious since they large deal with drug
and alcohol addicts.  I can ask Gretchen where their headquarters are but I
believe it is in New York City since it began there as I recall.  I'll try
and get a phone number, too, and report back later.  I could tell you
another way of dealing with Chris that a cowboy friend of mine told me once
he used to do when disciplining a horse he had broken who still thought he
was the boss but I doubt it would be wise in this day and age.  Besides, he
isn't a horse.  Well, he is acting like a certain part of a horse's anatomy
but that's beside the point.  Kathy, please forgive me for sounded negative
but Chris is likely doing way more than you and Greg are aware of and if he
isn't, he will be.   You have to do what is best for your family now.  Chris
does not get to pick and choose what he wants but he will suck the family
spiritually dry if you give him that chance.  Like a horse, he does have to
be broken but as far as you and your house is concerned, you are going to
serve the Lord.  If Chris chooses another life, it will be sad, but at least
your family will remain secure.  If he wants to rebel, go to jail, do drugs,
destroy property, sneak out at night like Gretchen used to do, get arrested,
and the Lord only knows what else, let him do it on his own.  My children
resented Gretchen for years due to her behavior.  I think they even resented
their parents for allowing her to get away with so much.  Ship him off to
Ping Pong, Alaska if that's what it takes.  He is going to destroy himself
and if you allow it, he will destroy his family, too.  I am talking to
Gretchen as I type this.
