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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Nov 2004 08:00:35 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Interesting thought, but I really don't know.  IN fact, I often wonder if
my other three kids feel that Chris gets more attention than anybody
else.  We spend so much time just trying to get along with him and trying
to support is,  different, interests, that I often worry that it takes a
lot away from the other kids, that we get along with and who like being a
part of the family.  Chris is just very selfish and self centered.  The
other night, after this latest stunt, he snuck out of the house again for
about three hours and when we found out about it he said that he wants
what he wants and he's going to have it.  It may sound selfish, but he
thinks that our rules are selfish so he doesn't have to abide by them.
Liz is keenly aware of the unfairness of the situation.  She sees Chris
behaving the way that he does and thinks that he's getting away with it
and she doesn't understand why we allow it.  The truth is that we don't
allow it, but we've talked to the police and there is truthfully nothing
we can do to stop him, by law, unless he breaks the law.  Our one hope is
in the court system now.  The officer that we talked to attends our
church.  He is a personal friend of the probation officer that Chris will
have, and he has assured us that he will put in a word on our behalf.
Just to give you an example of how crazy it is here in Maine:  if the
police arrest a juvanile, and no parent or guardian can be found within
six hours, by law, the police have to just let the kid go, back into
society until he  or she is pulled over again.  The officer, Brian is his
name, is hoping that Chris's age works against him because in 11 months,
Chris will be an adult.  Brian is also encouraging us to try to press the
other charges again that got lost last spring so that the judge will se
that this isn't really the first time.
I'm sorry, Vinny, I know that this went way beyond the original scope of
your post.  I hope that I don't sound defensive.  I'm just so frustrated.
 Other stuff as taken place too, but I won't bore you with all the nitty
gritty details.  Let's just say that Chris loves to play head games.
God bless, and thanks for your continued prayers!

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