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Brad Dunse <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 06:29:37 -0500
text/plain (140 lines)

If your neighbors are building a house in town somewhere, then your problem
will eventually be someone else's. I guess for now it might be prudent to
be cordial and cut back on the invitations. I don't think they'd be
offended if you didn't invite them to your birthday as that is usually  for
family and immediate friends and not necessarily new acquaintances. When is
your birthday if you don't mind me asking? What? Another 40 year old on the
list? Hmmm. *snicker, snicker, snicker* My mom just had her b-day on 8/30
and my dad's is tomorrow 9/3.


Pat Ferguson wrote:
>Dear Loving EChurch Family,
>I just wanted to share some experiences with you that we've had with our
>neighbors. Amy, Troy, and the little 7 year old is Victoria. They call her
>They came here about 6 weeks ago from MN. The first week was interesting.
>We tried to be the loving neighbors we should be by having them come over
>and sit with us and visit on our back deck and we offered them something
>cold to drink. It was nice, and they seemed very nice.
>The next thing we new, Troy, was asking Vernon if he could borrow his
>tools. It wasn't just one tool, but it was one time, was one thing, and
>then another time he wanted to borrow something else. Vernon did not lend
>him anything. He just told Troy he didn't have that particular tool.
>Then one night, Vernon was gone, over to Dean's house helping Dean, and
>Troy came over and asked if he could borrow Vernon's garden hose. I was
>really put in a spot, and I told him where Vernon was, and he went over and
>asked him. I didn't know what else to do. Vernon let him use the hose
>because it was right outside where Troy could see it. This was getting old,
>and fast.
>Then they started parking their vehicles on our lawns, and they own 2 vans,
>a truck, a car, and 2 Harley bikes.
>Tori would come over and we would visit and talk and have fun. I love these
>people a lot, but there's more.
>I had mentioned earlier when we first met them, that we would have to have
>a grill out with them.
>Amy, Troy, and Tori were outside when we were walking over to Dean's one
>Saturday, and Amy asked me if we wanted to grill out on Sunday, we said yes.
>I made a potato salad that afternoon, and she and Tori came over Sunday
>morning, while Vernon was gone, and we talked about what we were going to
>have. Everything was fine.
>They came over that afternoon, and we had some cold beers to drink, and
>then it started to rain. We went in the house and drank our beers.
>We had a great visit, and we were still able to grill outside as it stopped
>raining. She brought plenty of things to eat, as she did provide the meat,
>and buns, and I made the salads. It was very nice.
>After supper, Tori was jumping on the banasters, and Vernon told her to
>stop. She would jump from the banaster to Troy's back. Not cool.
>Then, she was playing with my Christmas ball that has the Christmas sceen
>inside of it, and you winde it up, and it plays Christmas songs. She was
>being kind of rough with it. Vernon told her it was not a toy.
>I tried to play the organ for them, but Tori was not interested in it at all.
>They soon left, and went home.
>The next Sunday, Amy asked us if we wanted to have another grill out. They
>had their grill this time, and so we said sure. She made a roast on the
>grill, and did potatos and carrotts and onions in packetts. I can't
>remember what I made. Tori and I sat outside on their property and shucked
>the sweet corn. It was fun.
>Then, Tori, Troy and I played a game where you have 2 golf balls on a heavy
>string, and you have this kind of a ladder thing, where you throw the
>string, and it's suppose to go over one of the rungs. This ladder is made
>out of black pipe and fittings. Troy found a piece of black pipe out in our
>yard and picked it up and said he was going to use it. He didn't ask us
>first. This ladder thing has 3 rungs on it. The bottom is worth 15 points,
>the next one up is worth 10 points, and the top one is worth 5 points. It's
>about 3 feet high.
>You stand up and throw the string with the two balls on it, and you have to
>hit these rungs. If two people hit the same rung, it is canceled out and no
>one gets any points. It's kind of fun.
>Remember this, though, because I have more to tell you. Remember the galf
>balls and they can slide from one end of the string to the other.
>They were gone last weekend. They came back Sunday afternoon with a trailor
>of stuff, and the van that Amy uses at work because she had been on a work
>assignment. She works for Legend seed here in De Smet.
>They unloaded everything, including their 2 Harley's. They parked them on
>the sidewalk which is not legal.
>I think it was the next day that Vernon told Troy that he could get a
>ticket for parking the bikes on the side walk because they are licensed
>vehicles. They said they would check it out. He also told Troy that if I
>were to try and walk down the street, I would fall over them and could get
>Then, that evening, on Monday, Tori was playing that game I told you about.
>She was in front of her house. Our houses are close together. I heard
>something hit the window, and I called to Vernon. He saw Tori throwing
>these balls against our house. He went outside and asked her to stop. She
>was playing that game on the side or front of their house, and that's not
>the place to play that game. They have plenty of room in the back yard.
>I talked to Troy that night, and he said that Tori needs to throw things. I
>said that she should play out in the back and not in the front. He told me
>that he wouldn't let her play that game here, and that she would have to
>play it on their 2 lots where they are building their house here in town.
>He thought that Vernon was just being frustrated, but what she was doing
>was not right.
>I haven't seen them since, and they haven't spoke to us since. I was going
>to invite them to my birthday party, but now, I'm not sure. I don't want
>them to be mad at us, but they really don't dicipline Tori enough. They let
>her do what ever she wants to do.
>I would love your thoughts on this, please.
>Thanks for listening to me ramble. Please pray for us with this situation,
>as I do like them.
>Thanks for praying.
>Love and Blessings,
>Pat Ferguson


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