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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 10:09:17 -0500
text/plain (66 lines)
Dear Loving EChurch Family,

Thank you all so very much for the love and prayers you always are so
loving and sweet! I love you all a whole bunch. I don't want you to forget
it, either.

Oh, before I start the praise reports I have to tell you all something
funny that is not related to this message. lol

The phone rang just as I was writing the next paragraph down below this
one. lol. Some guy wanted to know how to get into our catalog on our web
site, so I showed him how to do that. I asked him if he was looking for
something in particular, he said he was looking for an ice maker? lol. He
asked me if we sold ice makers! I laughed and told him no. It was so funny!
lol Now, should we come up with a talking ice maker!

Kathy, you are out of ice, you need to let me make more ice! Vicki, you are
using too much ice! lol Phil, You are not drinking enough ice water! lol.

Okay, now to my message.

I just wanted to update you on the situation with my Mom and family.

I was kind of scared to call Mom last night, but I prayed before I called
her. I don't think she was drinking, either when I called her. She was
sweet, and I did apologize again, and she said she received my phone
message. She then told me all about her situation with her breathing
problems. This all did happen on that Saturday I had last talked to her,
also. I don't know if it happened before I talked to her or after.

It all boils down to the fact that she is now on oxygen at night. They
delivered an oxygen tank and 3 tanks of oxygen to her house on Monday
evening. I'm really worried about her. She told me she has quit smoking,
but that it hasn't been easy. She said she was really scared.

She is loosing weight, and getting shorter. She told me she use to be 5
foot 2, but I haven't noticed her being that height for ages. She has
always been shorter than I am. lol.

She will see a pulmanary specialist on the 16th of September. I'm so glad
that she did tell Joe and Sherilyn and the rest of the family about all
this. I guess they are both going with her to the doctor, and that is good.

Now about Harvey. I told Mom I had called Harvey on his birthday, but he
wasn't there. I asked Mom where he was, and she told me he was in jail. She
told me he turned himself in and wanted to clear up all the d.w.i.s. He is
serving time in all the counties he has D.W.I.s. This is good.

Please pray that my family will try to call me and update me on these
situations as they occur. I'm always the last to know, and I usually don't
get a phone call, unless I call my family. Mom admitted to me that she
wasn't very nice to me on that Saturday when I called, but that she had a
really bad day, and it was Dad's birthday on the 21st of August. I do
understand, and I told her I love her.

I really think this is a Praise report and a blessing, as all this could
have escalated in to something not good, but Praise God, it worked out okay.

Please continue to keep my family in your prayers.

Thanks to all of you for everything and your love and prayers and support.
You are all my loving ones! I'm praying for all of you.

Love, and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson