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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:39:21 -0600
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Lying Spirits Love To Lie

                         By Phil Scovell

     When I pray with people, I never start out by thinking, "I
bet there is demonic influence in this person's life and that's
why they are hurting."  No, that isn't where I start.  I simply
assume the person is wounded some where, and we need to pray and
find out where, so Jesus can heal that place and the pain will be
gone.  Do demons show up?  Some times but only about half the time
if even that much.  Then why is this article about demons?  If you
plan on praying with people, you better know what to do if there
is a demonic manifestation.  If you don't, you are going to be
uncomfortable and that's putting it mildly.  So let me tell you
about a recent experience.

     I was praying with a woman who has had, over the decades, a
great deal of demonic activity in her life.  Not because she
wanted it, but due to trauma in the very early days of her
childhood.  Additionally, her father, and grandfather, were
involved in a cult which is well known for its involvements with
the demonics.  Of course, this developed and expanded as she aged
because they already had a stronghold upon which to operate.  A
stronghold is the equivalence of a base of operation to which the
enemy can retreat to avoid detection.   This is often a lie but
can also be disguised through a myriad of psycho dynamics.  In
this lady's case, I am not speaking of one or two demons, I am
speaking of hundreds.  So how does a Christian counselor or
therapist, which I am not, deal with these intrusions?  Are they
real or is the person just mentally ill and in need of
professional assistance?  Can't psychotropic medications fixed the

     In this case, the demons, near the end of one of our recent
prayer times, began to manifest.  They did so by speaking through
the lady's voice.  This is not always the case, that is, sometimes
they only speak into a person's thoughts.  It depends, in my
opinion, upon the level of access they have into a person's life.
I believe there is external influence, internal influence, and
protected.  By this I mean, outside the mind, in the mind as a
foothold, and in the mind due to the nature of the embedded lie
which provides them with a stronghold in which to hide behind.
This is my own interpretation and I didn't get this out of any
book so I have no idea what others think along these lines.

     As they began to manifest, speaking through her voice, I
commanded their silence through the name of the True Lord Jesus
Christ.  Throughout the rest of this article, keep that in mind.
Otherwise, I would have to repeat myself a hundred times, that is,
in the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ.

     I never address the demonic realm without the covering of the
name of the True Lord Jesus Christ.  Why call Him the True Lord
Jesus Christ.  Some demons, in order to deceive, attempt to fool
us by calling themselves jesus.  So you want to make sure you are
using the only True name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  "Isn't that
sort of weird?" I can hear someone asking.  No, I have a Spanish
friend by the name of Jesus and that is Jesus with an H sound
instead of a J sound.  Jesus is a very common name among the
Spanish.  You don't think the demonic realm might try and fool us
in order to misguide us from the truth of why they are there?

     As the demons began to manifest through this woman, I
isolated their activity by requesting that the True Lord Jesus
Christ pick the demon who would obey His Words to be the spokesman
of the group.  Demons are like mice; when you see one, there's
lots more.  If you don't allow the Lord Jesus to pick the
spokesman for the group, you will end up talking to demons all day
long.  This is often the mistake the deliverance ministry people

     Finally, as I asked the True Lord Jesus Christ to do the
work that I could not, and cannot, do, the demon spoke.  The goal
is to attempt to determine why the demons think, the key word is
think, they have the right to function in that person's life.  If
you invoke the name of the True Lord Jesus Christ, and if you
know your authority as a Believer in His name, they will answer
and they have to answer.  In this case, the spokesman admitted
they had no right to stay in her life.  They were, therefore,
present just to torment her.  I told them they had to go.  They
refused.  Since they had no right to remain, no lie upon which to
stay, they had to go.  I turned them over to the Chief Shepherd,
the True Lord jesus Christ, and commanded them to go.
Interestingly enough, They were quickly replaced by another group.

     These demons, by the way, were associated with this woman
through her homosexual brother.  Thus they were connected to this
woman because of an evil soul tie or an unholy covenant.  If you
are unfamiliar with an evil soul tie, please read some of my other
articles on the subject.

     Again, I learned these second group of demons had no legal
right to be in the woman's life and the spokesman said so.  I
commanded him, and all those under his authority, over to the
chief Shepherd, the True Lord Jesus Christ.  They left, only to be
quickly replaced with another group of demons.  Well, shoot.  this
was going to take all day and I wasn't interested in spending all
day wasting time.  By the way, this wasn't happening because of
anything the woman was doing.  It was the Lord teaching me
something I needed to learn.

     I stopped, by commanding them to cease speaking, and spoke to
the woman.  She was familiar with the prayer which breaks unholy
covenants.  We began praying that prayer together but the demons
jumped into the prayers and tried screwing everything up.  Not
uncommon and in fact, I had been expecting it.  I wanted to see
what level of authority they thought they had in her life.  Their
interference gave me more of the information I needed.

     I went back to asking the demonic spokesman of each group
what right they had to be there.  I figured we would eventually
find the real leader of the group because demons love playing
hide and seek.  It wouldn't be uncommon at all for the leader of
the group to be hiding behind other demons under his authority.
Unfortunately, every spokesman confessed they had no legal right
to remain but they also announced they weren't leaving and I could
not make them go.  Well, of course, I knew that wasn't true and
they knew that wasn't true but being demons, they lie a lot.  In
fact, it is about all they do.  Besides, it wasn't the first time
a demon told me I couldn't make them leave so that didn't bother
me.  I just figured I would have to keep hunting around until the
true leader showed up but such was not to be the case.

     Once, I was told that they were only their to remind her of
her brother.  This confirmed, in my mind, that they were there
only as a spiritual contact to her brother and I knew how that
contact could be broken.  Another time, one of them confessed
that they could not be made to leave because she couldn't see
them.  I laughed out loud at that one.  Honestly, some demon say
the dumbest things.

     Speaking to one demon, he said, when I told them to leave and
to go to Jesus, they said, we will strangle her.  I said, "Good.
Come on.  Do it.  I want you to try and strangle her.  Call all
your buddies.  Get them all to come.  I want all of you to come
together and with all your might, try and strangle her."

     First, I knew this was impossible but they didn't.

     Secondly, Don't forget that demons are deceived creatures,
too.  They just don't know it.  This gives you the edge.  I
thought my idea, which was actually the leading of the Holy
Spirit, might bring the leader of the group into the open.

     Thirdly, the moment I spoke these words, I saw the unclean
spirits in my spirit.  They all looked very small, as if they were
flies or ants, crawling around on her neck and I felt the
awareness of the Holy Spirit that they were harmless to her
physical well being.

     As they all came together to strangle her, she began
laughing.  I've heard demons laugh through people before so it
didn't bother me but that's not what was happening.  She finally
said, "They are tickling my neck.  they are all over my neck and
shoulders and it tickles."  I waited until I felt the time was
right and then I commanded them all to stop what they were doing.
They immediately quit their activities.  Then I asked the lady,
with whom I was praying, if she wanted to pray to get rid of them
or if she preferred I pray.  She knew what to pray so she said she
wanted to pray.  Less than a minute later, they were all gone.
that is, they were all gone but a few.  These, she reported, could
not move or speak but were as if they were frozen.  The Holy
Spirit told me what these demons were and how to get rid of them.
We then prayed the unholy covenant prayer, she repeating the words
after me, and the instant she said amen, she reported they were
all gone.

     About this time, someone is wanting to know why this all
happened and to a Christian, no less.  One reason was for my
benefit.  I had never been faced with this situation before.  That
is, I had not faced hundreds of demons, to my knowledge, in one
prayer session before.  the Holy Spirit impressed me that there
were indeed hundreds of them involved in this situation.  So it
was a learning experience for me.

     Secondly, this woman hated her brother.  He had physically
abused her and emotionally and mentally abused her all her life
and especially when they were children.  The Lord wanted to heal
her of this.  How do I know?  Afterward, she told me that a few
days before, the Lord had impressed upon her to eventually go and
see her brother.  She didn't want to see her brother and for
obvious reason; he stirred up tons of pain inside of her.  They
haven't been talking for some time and not by phone or in person.
She allowed him to email her but only about family business.  Now,
the Creator of the universe, was telling her that He wanted her to
get together with Him and she felt overloaded.  So what did Jesus
do?  He got rid of the demons causing the fear and healed her of
tremendous pain.  Try and tell me that Jesus doesn't know what He
is doing.

     Is there more healing?  Perhaps.  This lady believes there is
yet other places she needs to go, concerning her brother, for
healing.  Many of the demons associated with her pain are now gone
so it will be easier to go to those places for healing.

     Now what about you.  Are you feeling pain?  Are you wounded?
Are there times when you are just thinking about the past that you
say, "Boy, I will never forget when that person..." and you fill
in the blank.  That happened to me just recently concerning one of
my older sisters.  I am praying the Lord will reveal the truth
about that woundedness.  If I can't locate it on my own, I will
meet with my prayer partner and we will agree in prayer until we
find it so I can be healed.

     Do you want to walk free?  Aren't you growing weary of
carrying all this woundedness and pain by yourself?  Isn't it
about time you walk a maintenance free victory in your
relationship with the Lord with no more guilt or fear, or pain, or
shame, or condemnation?  Call me and let's pray.  It won't take
one prayer session, most likely, but it won't cost you anything
and you can walk in total freedom.  I'll teach you how to practice
this form of intercessory prayer, too.  Then liberty will be your
theme throughout the rest of your life.

Safe Place Fellowship
Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado
Mountain Time Zone

I Flew Kites With Jesus