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vinny samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 May 2004 00:52:37 -0700
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi everyone,

Please pray for me about this.  A piano tuning business has dropped in my
lap, so-to-speak.
There has been one piano tuner in this town for almost eighteen years, a top
tuner who used to work at The Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto.
He was so good that he had the town totally sewed up as far as customers
were concerned.  I did not dare to compete with him.

Meanwhile, the Lord had opened up finances for me to get training at a
school in Washington which specializes in training blind people towards
becoming a regoistered technician.  I went there for four summers and
learned tuning and regulation, but couldn't take any more time to complete
the course, because I was heavily involved in teaching young people in a
music conservatory which some of us had established, and because we needed
to take care of my wife's parents also.
The  tuner in this town, which is an hour away from me, has had to stop
tuning due to problems with his neck and back.  So last week he told me that
he was moving and that he was going to reccommend me to his customers.
This is very very scary, since there are many things that I haven't learned
to do.
This looks like it could be the Lord, however, since I have been sitting
around for the last three years, practically doing nothing, after our music
school closed.
I have never set up a business before, and need a lot of wisdom from the
So, I say all that to say this: please pray for me that I would know how
much to do, and which jobs I should refuse for lack of knowledge.  I have
done a lot of tuning in the area, mostly volunteering, but if other things
go wrong, then I am stuck.     Any other tuners in the area are many miles
Thanks for any prayers you might feel lead to pray.  I just need to know
truly that the Lord is with me in this.
If the Lord gives any of you anything particular for me in this reguard,
please let me know.
Thanks and God bless.