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Sat, 24 Jan 2004 16:41:18 -0600
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Hi, Just a bit of an update.
My cousin called today and asked that I order some stuff from the Evans's
for him.
We will receive it here and he can come and pick the package up.
I told him I could just have it sent directly to his house but he hesitated
over that.
Not sure what that means, but no matter.
I had last heard that he was really discouraged so I figured he would be
filing for divorce and giving up.
Sounds like he is holding on and trying to work it out though.
This is promising.
I told him that we were here anytime he wanted to talk or whatever and gave
him some thoughts on how to approach his wife and his kids with how he
really wanted them to be a family and for he and his wife to work it out.
I pointed out to him that both of the youngest were from divorced homes, one
from the wife's first divorce and the other from my cousin's first divorce.
Right now, he is in the house and he has the two boys they parented together
and the girl who was from his first marriage.
The oldest girl, who was from the mother's first marriage is with her and I
know she is getting the wrong message right now.
I encouraged my cousin to talk to her when he had a chance and try to
reassure her that he was doing all he could to bring the family back
I ordered a set of marriage cds and also the set on raising children for him
and he is looking forward to listening.
He loaned the ones I gave him on marriage to his wife and evidently doesn't
think he will get them back.
Anyway, that's what is going on with that situation.
I haven't heard anything about the other two divorcing couples we know or
anything on the brother who is drinking and causing problems for himself and
his girlfriend.

Take Care,



Marriage is a covenant, not a contractual relationship.
In a contractual relationship we demand our rights and limit our
Where as, in a covenant relationship, we limit our rights and assume