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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 11:23:30 -0500
text/plain (191 lines)
Hi Sharon,

Glad you are back again. Sounds like you had a busy 2 weeks or so.

You are loving! <squeeze> lol.

Pat Ferguson

At 04:57 PM 5/31/05, you wrote:
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Hi guys!
>I'm back!  How are you all doing?  Thank you for reviving me, Phil. =
>The trip went pretty well.  We had a big scare the first day though.  =
>After we met sister Maxine in Baltimore and were on our way to sister =
>Donna's house in Virginia, we stopped at a gas station for directions.  =
>Suddenly my FM system stopped working.  Maxine's cell phone rang, she =
>got back in the rental car and we drove away.  It was raining and sister =
>Judy was driving and she was lost.  My transmitter has gotten dropped, =
>and Judy had dropped it earlier in the day and had to search for part of =
>it.  It had occurred to me that it was possible for it to be dropped and =
>left behind.  As Judy drove, I tried to get Maxine's attention.  She was =
>on the phone with her teenage son who was stranded somewhere.  Finally =
>she got off the phone and I asked to see the transmitter.  She couldn't =
>see it!  At some point we had met with donna's car because she, and I =
>think her husband and I don't know who all, had been somewhere, and they =
>were going to lead us to their house.  We got their attention, and Donna =
>got into our car and we went back to look for the transmitter.  We =
>didn't remember exactly where we had left it, so we gave up.  =
>Thankfully, after we got to their house, Maxine found it in her jacket =
>pocket!  Something good came out of it though.  It caused me to think =
>hard about an invention to prevent people from dropping the thing, and I =
>think it's something to laugh about too, several things happening at =
>once: Judy being lost, it's raining, Maxine on the phone with a panicked =
>stranded teenager, and I'm trying to get Maxine's attention as we drive =
>farther and farther away from where, supposedly, we'd lost the =
>transmitter that is worth money.
>Anyway, we got there in the wee hours of Friday morning.  We could not =
>sleep in all day because we went to get manicured and pedicured.  I =
>didn't get the pedicure because there wasn't a space for me so I'll get =
>it when Donna and bob come here later.  That evening I put the plastic =
>champaign glasses on their stands.  The next morning we had breakfast at =
>the reception room and prepared it.  I put floating candles in their =
>holders and put them in the fish tanks, or at least helped with it.  I =
>also helped put some rocks in the bottom of the tanks.  The wedding was =
>Quaker style.  My niece's brother and a lady played violin, I believe, =
>for awhile.  I don't know all the details, but I think after the =
>business was taken care of, there were moments of silence and people =
>took turns speaking.  There seemed to be no reception lines.  At the =
>reception we had a lot of finger food, punch, and later sparkling apple =
>sider and cake.  There was dancing too.  I danced a little with Donna's =
>oldest son.  Later we went back to the house and watched them open gifts =
>and we did other tings too.
>The next day we slept in, relaxed on the patio, saw my brother Gary's =
>daughter off (she lives in Pensylvania and had driven out for the =
>occasion.)  We looked around where Donna and Bob live, I got to sefe =
>part of her bee hive, her newly acquired hoby.  No, I didn't touch a bee =
>or get stung, and I could barely hear them.  I also got to feed a horse =
>some pices of apple and carrots.  Later Bob took Maxine and me up in his =
>four-seater airplane.  we landed and took off maybe four or five times.  =
>It was fun.  That night we sisters got into the hot tub.  Judy was the =
>first to get out, but the rest of us stayed a long time.  Since Maxine =
>and I had slept in so late, we were very late getting to bed.  She had =
>gotten sick during the night, so it was about 3 o;clock in the afternoon =
>when she got up!  I got up around 1.
>The next day we three came back to Idaho, spent the night at Judy's, and =
>went down to Mom and Dad's the next day.  then Last Thursday afternoon =
>we went for maybe a 3 or 4 hour's drive to a recreation town called Mc =
>Call where my brother Gene and his wife Mary Esther work.  We had supper =
>and spent the night there.  The next day we relaxed outside, looked =
>around, had a picnic in the park, watched smoke sky divers, and had ice =
>cream outside at a shop.  Saturday morning we ladies had a teaparty down =
>at my brother Dale's place.  He and Dianna live close to our parents.  =
>It was a belated celebration of my mother's eightieth birthday, which =
>was last August.  Then Sunday some of our family got together at our =
>parents' house.  Yesterday we came back up her.  We went to Judy's for =
>dinner last night, and I said goodbye to Mom, dad, and Maxine.  I didn't =
>go to Daybreak today.  Since I've been back, I've found out that I can =
>move to a better room in about a month, so I can have my computer and =
>keyboard together and my bed situated in a better place.  that'll be =
>So, that's my news.  Now tell me about you.
>Content-Type: text/html;
>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>Hi guys!
>I'm back!  How are you all = doing?  Thank=20 you for reviving me, Phil.
>The trip went pretty well.  We had = a big scare=20 the first day
>though.  After we met sister Maxine in Baltimore and = were on=20 our way
>to sister Donna's house in Virginia, we stopped at a gas station = for=20
>directions.  Suddenly my FM system stopped working.  Maxine's = cell=20
>phone rang, she got back in the rental car and we drove away.  It = was=20
>raining and sister Judy was driving and she was lost.  My = transmitter
>has=20 gotten dropped, and Judy had dropped it earlier in the day and had
>to = search for=20 part of it.  It had occurred to me that it was possible
>for it to = be=20 dropped and left behind.  As Judy drove, I tried to get
>Maxine's=20 attention.  She was on the phone with her teenage son who was
>= stranded=20 somewhere.  Finally she got off the phone and I asked to see
>the=20 transmitter.  She couldn't see it!  At some point we had met =
>with=20 donna's car because she, and I think her husband and I don't know
>who = all, had=20 been somewhere, and they were going to lead us to their
>house.  We = got=20 their attention, and Donna got into our car and we
>went back to look for = the=20 transmitter.  We didn't remember exactly
>where we had left it, so = we gave=20 up.  Thankfully, after we got to
>their house, Maxine found it in = her jacket=20 pocket!  Something good
>came out of it though.  It caused me = to think=20 hard about an invention
>to prevent people from dropping the thing, and I = think=20 it's something
>to laugh about too, several things happening at once: = Judy being=20
>lost, it's raining, Maxine on the phone with a panicked stranded =
>teenager, and=20 I'm trying to get Maxine's attention as we drive farther
>and farther = away from=20 where, supposedly, we'd lost the transmitter
>that is worth = money.
>Anyway, we got there in the wee hours = of Friday=20 morning.  We could
>not sleep in all day because we went to get = manicured=20 and
>pedicured.  I didn't get the pedicure because there wasn't a = space
>for=20 me so I'll get it when Donna and bob come here later.  That evening
>= I put=20 the plastic champaign glasses on their stands.  The next
>morning we = had=20 breakfast at the reception room and prepared it.  I
>put floating = candles in=20 their holders and put them in the fish tanks,
>or at least helped with = it. =20 I also helped put some rocks in the
>bottom of the tanks.  The = wedding was=20 Quaker style.  My niece's
>brother and a lady played violin, I = believe, for=20 awhile.  I don't
>know all the details, but I think after the = business was=20 taken care
>of, there were moments of silence and people took turns=20
>speaking.  There seemed to be no reception lines.  At the = reception
>we=20 had a lot of finger food, punch, and later sparkling apple sider and
>= cake. =20 There was dancing too.  I danced a little with Donna's oldest
>= son. =20 Later we went back to the house and watched them open gifts and
>we did = other=20 tings too.
>The next day we slept in, relaxed on = the patio, saw=20 my brother Gary's
>daughter off (she lives in Pensylvania and had driven = out for=20 the
>occasion.)  We looked around where Donna and Bob live, I got to = sefe=20
>part of her bee hive, her newly acquired hoby.  No, I didn't touch = a bee
>or=20 get stung, and I could barely hear them.  I also got to feed a =
>horse some=20 pices of apple and carrots.  Later Bob took Maxine and me up
>in his = four-seater airplane.  we landed and took off maybe four or
>five=20 times.  It was fun.  That night we sisters got into the hot = tub.
>=20 Judy was the first to get out, but the rest of us stayed a long =
>time. =20 Since Maxine and I had slept in so late, we were very late
>getting to = bed. =20 She had gotten sick during the night, so it was
>about 3 o;clock in the = afternoon=20 when she got up!  I got up around 1.
>The next day we three came back to = Idaho, spent the=20 night at Judy's,
>and went down to Mom and Dad's the next day.  then = Last=20 Thursday
>afternoon we went for maybe a 3 or 4 hour's drive to a = recreation
>town=20 called Mc Call where my brother Gene and his wife Mary Esther =
>work.  We had=20 supper and spent the night there.  The next day we
>relaxed outside, = looked=20 around, had a picnic in the park, watched
>smoke sky divers, and had ice = cream=20 outside at a shop.  Saturday
>morning we ladies had a teaparty down = at my=20 brother Dale's place.  He
>and Dianna live close to our = parents.  It=20 was a belated celebration
>of my mother's eightieth birthday, which was = last=20 August.  Then
>Sunday some of our family got together at our = parents'=20
>house.  Yesterday we came back up her.  We went to Judy's for = dinner=20
>last night, and I said goodbye to Mom, dad, and Maxine.  I didn't = go
>to=20 Daybreak today.  Since I've been back, I've found out that I can =
>move to a=20 better room in about a month, so I can have my computer and
>keyboard = together=20 and my bed situated in a better place.  that'll be
>= nice.
>So, that's my news.  Now tell me = about=20 you.