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Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Mar 2005 05:53:38 -0600
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On 2005-03-13 [log in to unmask] said:
   >What does the voice synthesizer buy you?  Or, does it read transmit
   >when in duplex?  Anything else?
   >Among the 4 buttons on the top right, just below the righht most
   >top button, which is the memory set?
   >If these questions sound dumb, it's because the 2% vision I had
   >this time last week is no more.  I can read the frequency only.  I
   >have a key chart someone in this group sent me but need to get it
   >into Braille or scan it to my computer voice output.  In any event,
   >I want to set a new repeater I heard today into memory or Note Pad
   >but the latter is erased after 10, I believe.
   >This time next week, I'll have it resolved I am sure.
I'm still trying to figure out a few things about the one I use.  Pat
k9ju is the guy with the keychart.

Once I resolve some questions about the layout of some keys that
weren't clear from his key chart I"ll make the key chart reflect this
and braille it using nfbtrans.  Be glad to free matter you a copy once
I've resolved those and h opefully that will be this week.

Questions I have in case Pat is lurking on this thread:

The keypad:  You have keys 1 2 and 3 which would correspond to 160 80
and 40 meter bands or the approrpiate numbers when in direct entry
Between that row and the 4-6 row there is a key on the right which is
offset slightly between the two rows.  IS this the function button or
whatever it's called in your keychart?

THe way the ascii came through there weren't always blank lines where
they might be indicated and they didn't make it clear what went where
when things didn't quite line up.  IF you're not sure I'm going to
have a sighted person go over the front panel of the radio with me
later this week hopefully and we'll remove the ambiguities then I'll
have the chart in usable braille format.  Might take me a couple of
weeks as I want to make sure that the way I do the chart removes any
ambiguities so give me some time on this folks.  HOwever if you want
one let me know.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania