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Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
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* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 07:36:53 -0800
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EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information Activities for January 2006

Three items in this issue:
1  EASI Joins the World of Podcasting!
2  Free, Interactive Webcast January 19
3  EASI/USM Certificate in Accessible Information Technology

***** ***** ***** *****

1  EASI Joins the World of Podcasting!
What is podcasting and why should you care?
 From one point of view, podcasting is nothing more than providing
multimedia content on the Web which has been common for several
years.  What is new, however, is that it is available for quick and easy
downloading for you to use off-line, anywhere and any time.  It is like
downloading a music audio or a video, transferring it to your Ipod or MP3
player and taking it with you as you go about your daily activities.  You
can make your own, personal podcast collection and play it without being
tied to your computer or your office.  You can share it with others.  We
used to talk about online, asynchronous learning as any time, anywhere
learning, but you did have to be at your computer and have to have a live
Internet connection.  Podcasts can really be anywhere, any time content.

Watch for the announcement of our podcast unveiling on Wednesday January
11.  These items will normally be kept to about 15 minutes and provide
"tips and tricks" to make your uses of info tech more efficient and
enjoyable.  The EASI podcast Web page will be at:

2  Free, Interactive Webcast January 19
Comparing Accessibility Checker Tools: Presenter Dick Banks
Several times each year, new tools are coming online to assist Web
designers to evaluate whether their Web pages are accessible. However, many
designers have a basic misconception in understanding these tools. They do
not do the evaluation automatically. Several of the accessibility
guidelines and standards necessitate a human judgment to estimate whether
or not they are accessible.  To use such tools to evaluate and repair pages
requires skill and know-how.  This live, hour-long presentation will
provide an overview of these tools, their strengths and weaknesses.

While the information provided here is valuable as an overview and
introduction, they only get the user started. From there, he or she is on
their own or else need to get help from more experienced users. Dick will
be teaching a hands-on, individualized 4-part fee-based workshop in
February for anyone who
wants personal hand-holding to learn how to use these tools most effectively.
Read more about the single free event or the 4-part, fee-based series at:

3  EASI/USM Certificate in Accessible Information Technology

EASI is the premiere provider of online training on designing accessible
information technology.  EASI continues to provide online courses that lead
to the Certificate in Accessible Information Technology given jointly by
EASI and the University of Southern Maine.  Completing 5 of these courses
will earn you this certificate.

           EASI Courses for January 2006
(The links below will take you to an online syllabus and online registration).

  Designing Accessible Course Content Using Familiar Software
  Advanced Barrier-free Web Design
  Train the Trainer