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Chris L Gilland <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 17:02:33 -0500
text/plain (106 lines)
I need to start again, by saying that if there were any part that I'd want
more input on, it would be this second one...

Everything was going fine, until Friday right before lights out for the
youth.  it wasn't really a bad thing, as much as it scared me a teeny bit...
Basicly, one of the youth, named jenny (age 12) apparently told all of us
that she suffered from severe azma.  On top of that, she had caught a
massive cold from her older brother before coming...  not there was anything
really wrong with that fer say:  it was just, well, for 1, she certainly was
conjested, no question about it...  Well, have you ever had one of these
insodents, where you go somewhere with a group of people, not even church
related necessarily, but you really feel God leading you to everyone, yes,
but especially, him leading you to one particular individual of the group to
take care of, watch out for, and to not only pray for, but also to talk to,
witness to, etc?  Well this is exactly what happened with jenny and
myself...  I don't think until there at the very end of today, however that
she got the full jidst of how deeply I love and care about her...
literally, granted, I've never once had kids, however I've been round kids
of all ages from infantsts, all the way up to highschoolers, so I do know
enough to know, that I truely love her as if she were my own...  I'd give my
world for her...  heaven forbid!  I did! give my world for her the whole
weekend...  When I found that she and all the young middle schoolers were
all sleeping in the den on sleeping bags, in the same room, obviously, I
also was offered to sleep up there with them, if I so chose...  Granted I
was beyond mortifyingly embarrassed because, well?  OK, mainly:  Like I just
said:  jenny's only 12, now, she's sleeping, in the same room, with the
other middle school guys, plus, myself, should I accept...  OK, folks, what
in the blankity blank is wrong with this lovely picture here... Not?
Certainly not lovely...  Or... so I thought...  and before you all who know
about my situation, don't freak out, as it wasn't a bad thing in the long
run, but don't jump ahead of me here.

To make a long story short, I finally did accept.  I didn't do so though
because of cercomstances...  I did it mainly because of the situation with
jenny as it was.  I couldn't stand to see her alone of there with them and
no adult supervising.  That in itself was enough to scare the heeby jeevies
outta me...  Believe me:  it gets worse, so let me continue...  Well, the
first night being Friday, obviously, went pretty well...  The only thing was
that Collin, who was the youngest boy there at age 10 was cutting up very
badly, in a good way, but still enough to where it wasn't appropriate...
Basicly, he purposely was doing his best to trip over jenny purposely.
Well, that really got me extremely irked...  Finally I sat up and I let them
have it...  Because of me gbeing one of the shapherones, I had this
responsibility...  I felt really weird doing what I'm fixing to tell ya,  as
I've never once had to disapline a child, but I had to do it...  I told him,
OK Collin, that does it... keep in mind:  I'd already told him numerous
times to stop...  I told him that A... him doing that and then when I asked
what the thudding noise was not telling me was very very very very dangerous
in itself, let's forget tripping purposely in the dark over anotyher person,
(especially of the oppisit gender.)  i still don't know what his motive was
of what he thought he was doing...  I told him thus, that because of not
telling me with my visual problems, I had no way of knowing if someone fell
and was hurt, or if they were playing, or what...  Well, when i told him
that, and he still ignored my very harsh warning, I finally went over, and
grabgbed him by the arm, (not hard) yes hard enough to hurt very badly, I'll
admit it, and yes, he did yelp)  I told him, with my hand cupped under his
chin so that he was forced to look me in the eye:  Collin, I have had it...
tomorrow, Lin (who is our pastor)  is going to be told about this.  A corse
he begged me not to, that he'd be good...  I told him, Collin?  Honey?  You
should a thought about that before you did this, shouldn't you.  he was
silent...  i then said, almost these precise words:  Collin?  Young man?  I
am talking to you mister...  You've already in major trouble, I'd suggest
that you answer me and not make this worse than it already is...  You should
hafve thought first.  Right?  he then very quietly said, yes.  I tol,.d him
then, excuse me?  he said for what?  I then said, I am adult:  you are
child...  You do not tell me yes when i am talking to you...  Do you
understand me?  I think then he caught the idea, and said, yes, sir...  Then
I said and, as a bonis, because of your misconduct, you are going to keep
lyour mouth zipped, and sit here on the couch beside me until there is not a
sol except us in this room awake...  Do i make myself clear?  he told me
again:  yes sir...  I then finnished by leading him to the couch, and told
him, I mean it boy... you make one word unless it's an emergency, and you
will suffer very severe concequences...  He then asked, not that I will
disobey you, Chris, but if I do, what will happen?  i told him, Collin, if
you're not gonna disobey me, then is there any reason for you to know?  He
said no...  I was very tempted to then say, no what, but I figured I'd given
him enough grief already for one evening, I mean, I had to give at least
some merrit to the fact that's only 10 for crying outloud.

i didn't hear a word the rest of the evening...  it wasn't until the next
night, being last night that things got so outta whack that I totally lost
it completely and literally went insane...  i think all along Jenny knew I
was very upset, although she probably had no clue why...  As many times as I
asked her though quote:  are you OK?  i'm surprised that she didn't get
irritated by me continuously asking.  i could tell that she could totally
understand my concern for her, and I can't tell you all nor her, how much I
appreciate that...  lin did the most stupid thing though last night, and
even though that was a Christian invironment I did say something to him that
I now regret wording as I did...  Please don't ban me as this is not all
that profane, yeah, not appropriate, but not really profane for my
opinion...  I am only and again say:  only quoting here:  I should explain
what happened first, but i'll get this outta the way:  I told him, lin, i'm
horribly quote:  pissed off at you tonight, bigtime!  livid doesn't come
close to cutting it...

That's not a word, especially to a pastor, I'd normally use in regular
cerstances, but Vickey, before you react to me saying it on here, I like to
at least explain in part 3, what caused me to say it, and get so furious.

With that said, here comes part3.
