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A man of honor pays his debts with his own money. --DeGaulle
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:57:12 -0500
text/plain (45 lines)
My sense of the fat unshaven guy is that he is a wiseass, albeit an
entertaining one, and that even though his politics are well to the left of my
own, he is driven by conviction and is highly skilled in the use of the camera
as a political weapon. If the pen is mightier than the sword, Moore's camera
is a weapon of mass destruction.

You don't have to completely agree with Moore to appreciate what he does. He
is engaged in what was once centrist journalism: Comforting the afflicted and
afflicting the comfortable. In other words, sticking up for the little guy. So
what's wrong with that?

As I have said here before, I don't agree with Moore on a lot of things, but I
appreciate what his voice adds to the national discourse. Love his movie or
hate it, I think we are better off for having seen it. A couple of Republicans
leaving the theater behind me were overheard to say "Well at least we know how
the other side feels". That's something.

Mike E.

---------- Original Message -----------
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
> My concern is that the unshaven fat guy in the baseball cap is a
> costume for somebody trying to exploit racial and economic differences
> for his own political agenda and/or benefit.  Not that the Republicans
> don't now and haven't for 40 years.
> On the other hand, if he can get those overrepresented in the armed
> forces and their dependents, and all those black congresspersons
> [weren't there were any white ones?] who objected to the 2000 election
> with no senatorial support, to vote Bush out, maybe that's not the end
> of the world.
> Sign me,
> Wishy Washy

------- End of Original Message -------

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