Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Dec 2003 14:13:33 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)
There are writers who prefer their own Interlingua
grammar style which significantly deviates from
the grammar suggested by Gode and Blair's "A grammar
of the international language".  The magazines of
the British Interlingua Society aim to follow Gode
and Blair.

If people try to impose their own styles to such
an extent that comprehension is threatened, then
writers are destroying the aim of Interlingua, which
is to ease mutual understanding.

If you do attempt your own variations, which MUST
be consistent with Romance languages, German, English
or Russian, then you should remain consistent in
your style for the whole text you are writing.

Similarly you must be consistent when using variations
in spelling the language.  So don't write
and "filosofia" or "theatro" and "teatro" in the
same work.

Obviously the spellings "filosophia" (philosophy)
and "theofania" (theophany) would be understood,
but these show that the writer has not yet established
his/her own rational spelling system: if you are
going to go for "f" instead of "ph" (for the Greek
"phi"), you logically should also go for "t" instead
of "th" (for the Greek "theta").

All of the following variations in spelling will
be met:

(A1) Double letters representing one consonant (except
-ss-) can be written as one letter if they produce
one sound, giving "bele" for "belle", but "adresse";

(A2) The letter "y" can be replaced with "i" (except
when "y" is the first letter), giving "psicologia"
for "psychologia", but "yak";

(A3) The letters "ch", pronounced "k", can be replaced
with "c" (except before "e" and "i), giving "Cristo"
for Christo, but "architectura";

(A4) The letters "ph" can be replaced with "f",
giving "filosofia" for "philosophia";

(A5) The letters "rh" can be replaced with "r",
giving "rapsodia" for "rhapsodia";

(A6) The letters "th" can be replaced with "t",
giving "termal" for "thermal";

(A7) The suffix "-age" can be replaced with "-aje",
giving "messaje" for "message".

(B) A final "-e" can be dropped after the letter
"t", when there is a vowel before it, giving "arrivat"
for "arrivate".

(C) The prefix "ali-" often becomes "-al", giving
"alcun" for "alicun".

(D) The words "a" and "e" can become "ad" and "et"
before vowels, giving "Ad America et ad Italia".

(E) Numbers below 100 can have the word "e" instead
of a hyphen, giving "septanta e duo" for

(Ex "Contacto", No. 28, julio 2003-octobre 2003)


Il ha scriptores qui prefere lor proprie stilo
grammatic pro interlingua que differe de un maniera
significante del grammatica suggerite per "A grammar
of the international language" de Gode e Blair.
Le revistas del British Interlingua Society essaya
monstrar fidelitate a Gode e Blair

Si un persona essaya imponer su proprie stilo tanto
que le comprension es menaciate, ille o illa destrue
le scopo de interlingua, que es adjuvar le comprension

Si vos essaya usar vostre proprie variationes, que
debe absolutemente esser consistente con le linguas
romanic, le germano, le anglese, o le russo, vos
tunc debe remaner consistente in vostre stilo pro
omne le texto que vos scribe.

De un maniera simile, vos debe esser consistente
quando vos usa variationes orthographic in le lingua.
Isto significa que vos non debe scriber "philosophia"
e "filosofia" o "

Obviemente, le formas "filosophia" e "theofania"
es comprensibile, ma tal formas monstra que le persona
qui los usa non ha establite su proprie systema
orthographic rational: Si vos vole usar "f" in vice
de "ph" (le translitteration del grec "phi"),
logicamente vos debe usar anque "t" in vice de "th"
(le translitteration del grec  "theta").

On incontrara omne iste variationes orthographic:

(A1) Litteras duple qui representa un sol consonante
(con le exception de -ss-) pote scriber se con un
sol littera si illos produce un sol son, producente
"bele" in vice de "belle", ma "adresse";

(A2) In vice del littera "y" on pote scriber "i"
(ma non quando "y" comencia un parola), producente
"psicologia" in vice de "psychologia", ma "yak";

(A3) In vice del litteras "ch", pronunciate "k",
on pote scriber "c" (ma non ante "e" e "i"),
"Cristo" in vice de "Christo", ma "architectura";

(A4) In vice del litteras "ph" on pote usar "f",
producente "filosofia" in vice de "philosophia";

(A5) In vice del litteras "rh" on pote usar "r",
producente "rapsodia" in vice de "rhapsodia";

(A6) In vice del litteras "th" on pote usar "t",
producente "termal" in vice de "thermal";

(A7) In vice del suffixo "-age" on pote usar "-aje",
producente "messaje" in vice de "message";

(B) Un "-e" final pote eliminar se post le littera
"t" quando occurre ante illo un vocal, producente
"arrivat" in vice de "arrivate";

(C) Le prefixo "ali-" sovente deveni "al", producente
"alcun" in vice de "alicun".

(D) Le parolas "a" e "e" pote devenir "ad" e "et"
ante vocales, producente "Ad America et ad Italia".

(E) Numeros minus grande que 100 pote usar un "-"
in vice del parola "e", producente "septanta e duo"
in vice de "septanta-duo".


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque ha le possibilitate de imprimer textos in un
tertie lingua, preparar un version de illos in
interlingua, e finalmente preparar un version de illos
in vostre lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.


Ecce duo sitos importante pro studentes de linguas e
del linguistica:

preoccupation principal es trovar lo que es utile pro
le instruction de linguas nove in le linguistica
theoretic e incoragiar le uso de iste information pro
formar manieras plus efficicace de inseniar linguas.
Le sede electronic de iste organisation es

professional pro linguistas academic american.  Lor
sede electronic es <>.

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