Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:46:42 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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Le portugese brasilian prendeva un medie millennio
pro disveloppar se longtan de Portugal usque devenir
differente.  Ma usque le annos 90 le linguistas
sapeva pauc super le historia de iste lingua
super le maniera de parlar lo e le differentias
regional inter Brasil.

On pote mentionar tres fontes super le resultatos
de recercas ad in le le lingua brasilian.  Uno de
illos es le "Grammatica del Portugese Parlate",
que esseva publicate in le anno 2001, organisate
per 32 philologos ab 12 universitates durante 10

Le recercatores del secunde projecto comenciava le
prime programma de recerca scientific super le
historia del lingua portugese in Brasil, reuniente le
origine de cata structura grammatical.  Lor scopo
esseva identificar tote le influentias que le lingua
suffreva in iste latere del Atlantico.

Le tertie projecto es le "Atlas Linguistic".  Usque
le anno 2005 le participantes in iste projecto va
mappar tote le dialectos del nation.  Iste projecto
va a attinger circa 250 locos diverse ab Rio Grande
do Sul (le stato le plus meridional) usque Amazonia.

Sin dubita le tres projectos son le major avantiamento
pro le comprension del lingua brasilian desde quando
le portugeses arrivava illac 500 annos retro.  Le
lingua de Brasil es definitivemente differente del
portugese moderne.  Le brasiliano es plus simile
al portugese archaic.

Al fin del XVIme seculo comenciava apparerer
differentias regional in le portugese parlate in
Brasil.  Le racias se misceva, le europeos in le
litore, le sclavos african in le fermas e gruppos
indian in le interior.

In ultra, il habeva le grande immigrationes de
italianos, germanos, japoneses, slavos, etc.  Iste
influxo de gente clarmente formava accentos
differente.  Certemente Brasil hodie ha diverse
dialectos regional e social; le riccos non parla
como le povres, dice Gilvan Muller ab le Universitate
Federal de Santa Catarina.

Le grande momento del apparition del lingua brasilian
esseva dum le XVIIme seculo, quando on explorava
auro in Minas Gerais.  Le ricchessa attraheva gente
ab tote le partes de Brasil, e illac le idioma
comenciava a uniformisar se e exportar tracias commun
intra Brasil integre per medio del camminos

Conforme al expertos del Politica Linguistic ab
Unicamp (Universitate de Campinas) il existe nulle
dubita que in Brasil on parla brasilian e non
portugese.  Le differentias inter le brasiliano
e le portugese son major que illos inter le hindi
e le urdu, per exemplo.

Amazonia parla de un maniera differente ab le vicin
Nordest.  Le motivo es que illac il habeva quasi
nulle sclavitude african.  Predominava le influentia
tupi, le lingua que le indios del region parlava,
ma que esseva importate per le jesuitas in le processo
de evangelisation e cathechese.

Le parte sud del Brasil esseva occupate con le
transferentia del immigrantes ab le Insulas Azores
e de altere europeos.  In le litore on dice "tu"
como es hodie commun in Portugal, e in le interior
on dice "você", que esseva fructo del colonisation del
bandeirantes paulista.

Le cariocas (habitantes ab Rio de Janeiro) recipeva
un grande influentia de Lisboa quando le Familia Regal
Portugese vadeva a Brasil in 1808, fugiente ab le
truppas de Napoleon.  A causa de isto illes pronuncia
"os livros" como "uzh livrush", secundo le maniera
portugese, in vice de "uz livrus".

Le interior de São Paulo anque ha su proprie accento.
E in le interior del region nordest parolas como
"diverso" e "tiver" se pronuncia como "divèrsu e
"tivèr" in vice de "dzhivèsu" e "tshivèr".

In summario, le expertos dice que existe circa sex
o septe dialectos principal.  Il es un cosa multo
natural que le brasilianos admitte isto, a causa
que le differentiation linguistic es un processo
normal in tote le linguas del mundo.  Totevia, il
es clar que le brasilianos comprende le lusophonos
europee e african--si illes parla lentemente, como
le brasilianos lo face.

(Adaptate ex un articulo in "Lingua e Vita",
septembre-decembre, 2003, No. 109, publicate
originalmente in "Internovas")


Nota que le anglese american, como le portugese
brasilian, preserva unes--ma non
omnes!--characteristicas del anglese del prime
colonisatores anglophone de Nord America.  Un exemplo
es le parola "gotten".

("I have gotten a couple of really interesting
illustrations from this book." --> "Io ha obtenite
duo illustrationes vermente interessante ex iste
libro.")  Le angleses dicerea "I have got ....".
Le forma "gotten" ha disapparite ex le anglese

Nota anque que il es impossibile determinar
le frontieras inter le dialectos de un sol lingua
e le emergentia de linguas differente.  Si le usatores
de duo idiomas non se comprende mutuemente, il es
facile dicer que illes parla duo linguas differente.

Ma si illes pote comprender se a un taxa de 80 o 90%,
il es plus difficile determinar si illes parla duo
linguas differente o duo varietates de un mesme
lingua.  --HKj


Brazilian Portuguese took about 500 years to evolve
at a great distance from Portugal until it became
noticeably different.  But up to the 1990s linguists
knew little about the history this Brazilian variety
of the language, the way it is spoken, and its
differences inside Brazil.

There are at least three useful sources presenting
information about Portuguese as it has evolved in
Brazil.  One is the "Grammatica do português
falado"--a ten-year project published in 2001 and
organized by thirty-two linguists from twelve

The investigators of the second project started the
first scientific research program on the history of
Portuguese in Brazil, recovering the origin of each
grammatical structure.  Their purpose was to identify
all the influences changing the language on this side
of the Atlantic.

The third project is the "Liguistic Atlas."  Scheduled
to be finished by 2005, this project is going to
map all the Brazilian dialects of Portuguese,
on 250 different locations from Rio Grande do Sul
(the southernmost state of Brazil) up to Amazonia.

Without doubt these three projects are of primary
importance for understanding Brazilian speech since
the arrival of the Portuguese in 500 years ago.
As spoken in Brazil, Portuguese is definitely
from other varieties of the language.  The Brazilian
variety more greatly resembles archaic Portuguese.

At the end of the Sixteenth Century, regional
differences started to appear in the Portuguese
spoken in Brazil.  The races intermarried and produced
children--Europeans on the Atlantic shore, African
slaves on the plantations, and Indian groups in
the Brazilian interior.

There were also large immigrations of italians,
Germans, Japanese, Slavs, etc.  This influx of people
clearly formed different accents.  Brazil today
has a variety of regional and social dialects.
The rich do not speak the way the poor do, says
Gilvan Muller from the Federal University of Santa

The Seventeenth Century was important point in the
appearance of Brazilian Portuguese during the gold
rush in Minas Gerias, where the prospect of wealth
attracted people from everywhere in Brazil.  There
the regional varieties of the language started to
produce a uniform compromise dialect, which began to
spread to other parts of Brazil through its system
of roadways.

According to the experts on linguistic policy at
Unicamp (the University of Campinas) there is no
doubt that in Brazil people speak Brazilian and
not Portuguese.  The differences between Brazilian
and Portuguese are greater than the ones between
Hindi and Urdu, for example.

Amazonia has a different way of speaking from the
neighboring Northeast because there was almost no
African slavery there.  Amazonian Portuguese was
influenced predominantly by Tupi, spoken by the
Indians of the region who were brought there by
the Jesuits as they converted them to Catholocism.

Immigrants from the Azores and other parts of Europe
settled in southern Brazil.  On the Atlantic Coast
the use of "tu" is common today, as is true of
Portugal, but in the interior the form used is "você,"
a result of colonization by the bandeirantes from São

The speech of the cariocas (as people living in
Rio de Janeiro are known to the Brazilians) was
heavily influenced by the speech of the royal
Portuguese family after they had fled from Lisbon
before Napoleon's troops could reach them.  Because of
their influence, the pronunciation of "os livros" by
the people of Rio is "oozh leevroosh," following the
continental pattern, instead of "ooze leevroos."

The interior of São Paulo also has its own accent.
And in the interior of the northeasten area the words
"diverso" and "tiver" are pronounced "deevairsoo" and
"teevair" instead of "jeevairsoo" and "cheevair."

All in all, experts maintain that there are six
or seven principal dialects.  Such tendencies toward
differentiation are a normal process in language
evolution everywhere in the world.  Still, Brazilians
can understand speakers of the African and continental
varieties of protuguese if they are spoken slowly,
the way the Brazilians themselves speak.


Note that American English, like Brazilian portuguese,
preserves some--but not all!--of the characteristics
of the first English-speaking colonists of North
America.  One example is the word "gotten."

(An example would be "I have gotten a couple of
really interesting illusrtations from this book."
The British would say "I have got ....).  The form
"gotten" has disappeared from British English.)

Note also that it is impossible to determine exactly
the borderline between the dialects of a single
language and the emergence of different languages.
If two different speech communities cannot understand
each other, it's easy to say that they speak two
different languages.

But if they can understand each other at a rate
of, say, 80 or 90 percent, it is harder to determine
if they are speaking two different languages or
two dialects of the same language.  --HKj


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque ha le possibilitate de imprimer textos in un
tertie lingua, preparar un version de illos in
interlingua, e finalmente preparar un version de illos
in vostre lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.


Ecce duo sitos importante pro studentes de linguas e
del linguistica:

preoccupation principal es trovar lo que es utile pro
le instruction de linguas nove in le linguistica
theoretic e incoragiar le uso de iste information pro
formar manieras plus efficicace de inseniar linguas.
Le sede electronic de iste organisation es

professional pro linguistas academic american.  Lor
sede electronic es <>.

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