Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 15:12:03 -0800
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
One of the most significant problems in processing
natural language by computers is ambiguity. Let's
consider these two examples by way of illustration:

(1) I saw the man in the park with the telescope.  (It
is unclear whether I, the man, or the park has the

(2) There's a lot of old inflammable paper next to
your car.  (You can interpret the word "it" as a
reference to the paper.  You can also interpret it as
a reference to the car.  Your interpretation will
produce dramatic differences with what you will do
with this information.)

Ambiguities like these are pervasive in spoken and
written language. Most ambiguities escape our notice
because we are very good at resolving them using our
knowledge of the world and of the context of each
individual communication we are faced with. But
computer systems do not have much knowledge of the
world and do not do a good job of making use of this


Un ex le problemas le plus significante in processar
le linguage natural per computatores es le
ambiguitate.  Que nos consider le problema per iste
duo exemplos illustrative:

(1) Io videva le homine in le parco con le telescopio.
 (Il non es clar si io, le homine, o le parco ha le

(2) Il ha multe papiro inflamabile vetule apud vostre
automobile.  Vos debera disfacer vos de illo.  (Vos
pote interpretar le parola "illo" como un referentia
al papiro.  Vos anque pote interpretar lo como un
referentia al automobile.  Vostre interpretation
producera differentias dramatic in lo que vos facera
con iste information.)

Tal ambiguitates es pervasive in le linguage parlate e
scribite.  Le plus grande parte ex illos escappa
nostre attention proque nos arriva facilemente a un
resolution de illos con nostre cognoscimento del mundo
e del contexto del communicationes individual que nos
confronta.  Ma systemas informatic non ha multe
cognoscimentos del mundo e non sape usar iste
information multo efficacemente.

(Iste information ha essite adaptate ex un texto a

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