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vinny samarco <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 17:10:35 -0700
text/plain (196 lines)
Hi Phil,
I whole-heartedly agree with you, and couldn't say it better.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 8:01 AM
Subject: Demons Talking Part 2

> I am sorry to repost this article but last night the Lord really convicted
> me that the article was only half done.  I added some additional
> and re worded some of the first article.  So, forgive me but I felt it
> important enough to repost the whole thing.  I'm not taking up an offering
> or anything so you don't have to read it again if you prefer not to.
> if you don't believe in demonic activity in a Christian's life today, it
> would be a waste of your time to read it but here it is no matter what.
> Demons Talking To Christians
>                          By Phil Scovell
>      I know this isn't widely accepted, and most certainly not
> even popular with most Christians, but demons do talk to us as
> Born Again Believers.  Worse than this, they can actually put
> their feelings upon us and speak in the first person.  This, of
> course, makes us immediately think we have said it or we have
> felt it.  As I said, most Christian find this difficult, if not
> down right impossible, to believe.   they jump up and down and
> demand I show them in the Bible where this is true and sometimes
> I am called a heretic, a false teacher, and only the Lord knows
> what they say when I can't hear them.  Regardless, it is true and
> if you choose not to believe it is possible, then God bless you
> anyway.  when it happens to you, however, don't forget what you
> heard about it so you can Scripturally deal with it.
>      I am bringing this up right now because, in recent days, I
> have had demons speak to me twice in the first person and even
> attempt, in one case, to put their feelings upon me to confirm
> what they said was true.  After all, if it feels true, it has to
> be true.  Right?  Wrong.  Anyhow, here are the two separate
> experiences I want to share with you.  Just in case it happens to
> you, of course, some day a hundred years from now or something
> like that.
>      A couple of weeks ago, I wasn't doing anything in particular
> except for thinking about something in my life.  Ok, if you must
> know, I was in the bathroom.  The rest is up to your imagination.
> Yes, I could have, of course, been brushing my teeth but I
> wasn't.  I suddenly heard in my thoughts, "I'm a drunk."  Not,
> "You are a drunk," but, "I am a drunk."  I almost laughed out
> loud.  Why?  Because not only am I not a drunk but even has a
> teenager, I hated the taste of alcohol.  Twice, in my life, I
> tried drinking beer; just plain old beer.  I got about a half a
> can down before handing it to a friend to finish.  So, in my
> entire life time, I probably haven't had enough alcoholic
> beverage to even fill one beer can.  Now LSD, marijuana, hash,
> speed, and other related drugs is a different story.  Booze, I
> hated.  I didn't even like wine, come to think of it, but my
> point should be clear by now; I hate anything alcoholic.  The
> truth is, I couldn't be a drunk if I wanted to be because I can't
> stand the taste.
>      So, here I am, thinking about something totally unrelated to
> booze, and I hear in my thoughts, "I am a drunk."  Sure I am, I
> think to myself, and a chicken has lips, too.  So what was the
> source of this lie?  I immediately began looking, through prayer,
> of course, for the source.  I knew, without question, it was
> demonic, but why did a demon take that particular time to try and
> plant a lie in the thought stream of my daily life?  I mean, this
> guy was just plain stupid trying this idea out on me.  The answer
> would take more than a book to explain.  My point is that a demon
> did speak those words in my thoughts to try and gain a foothold
> in my life through an implanted lie.  Furthermore, he spoke in
> the first person to make me think I was the one who thought it.
>      Now, just before writing this article, it happened again but
> with a different theme.  I was seated at my desk doing little of
> nothing, other than reading email, and when I replied and sent
> the message off, suddenly, in my stream of consciousness, I
> heard, and felt, "I hate myself."  Wow.  That could be true.
> Maybe I do hate myself.  I'm such a terrible person, a loser, and
> a failure.  Nobody likes me.  Maybe I really do hate myself.
> Nope.  I didn't go that route of thinking.  Why?  I am learning
> not everything that pops into my thought life is of God or even
> of my own thinking.
>      First of all, in this case, I knew I did not hate myself.
> Why should I?  God has revealed so many wonderful things to me
> and even how He is my Father and how He spends time with me and
> how He hears and answers my prayers.  So why should I remotely
> consider the possibility that I hate myself when God loves me.
> Of course, I am perfectly aware that others may indeed hate me
> and that it could have been a demonic influence associated with
> that person.  After all, I pray with many people and some of them
> have demonic activity all around them.  Because of that fact
> alone, I always examine myself to make sure it isn't coming from
> someone with whom I have recently prayed.
>      Then it hit me.  I didn't say it but a demon said it in the
> first person to try and deceive me into thinking I said it.  That
> way I would believe it was really true.  Where do you think the
> phrase, "Sneaky little devils," came from in the first place?
> Well, it isn't true; I don't hate myself.  so what does a person
> do in such a case?  He, or she, takes every thought captive.
>      Here is what I did.  I stopped typing and prayed.  Since I
> was alone, I prayed out loud and I said these words.  "In the
> name of the True Lord Jesus Christ, I call to attention the demon
> that just said, "I hate myself," and tried putting the emotional
> feelings on me to make me think it was true.  Furthermore, I call
> to attention all those under your authority for the same reason.
> Note.  You do this because it is rare that only one demon is
> hanging around and pestering you.  They almost always have a
> bunch of buddies with them to back up their wickedness.  Praying
> in this manner, you lump them all together and you aren't stuck
> dealing with demon after demon until you get rid of all of them.
> So back to my prayer.
>      Once I had called them all to attention in the name of the
> True Lord Jesus Christ, I then said, "I bind your words spoken
> against me and strip you of your armor and weapons and place the
> blood of Jesus Christ upon them.  I dismiss you from all of your
> assignments against me.  I now bind you all together as one and I
> turn you over to the Chief Shepherd, the True Lord Jesus Christ,
> and I command you to leave and to go right now to the place the
> True Lord Jesus Christ wants you to go.  Be gone, now, from my
> presence in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
>      What do you suppose happened immediately following this
> prayer?  That's right!  The feeling of worthlessness vanished.
> Was it all in my mind?  Was I just making all this up or are
> there really demons sent to try and deceive us?  You decide
> because I already know the truth and the truth has set me free.
> The rest is up to you.
> Why This Won't Work
>      I cannot leave this topic without, at least, mentioning why
> doing what I have suggested won't work.  I know from experience
> it won't work under certain circumstances so I feel obligated to
> make mention of it now.
>      Demons will not leave if what you believe is based upon
> lies.  For example, if you really believe you are a drunk
> because, for example, you get drunk, then you would believe what
> the demon said to be true about being a drunk.  So, if you
> believe it is true, that is, you are a drunk, why not follow
> through since that is what you really are.  If you were such a
> miserable, horrible, terrible person, who failed at everything in
> life, and you were literally worthless as far as you were
> concerned, then you would have no problem believing what a demon
> said if they spoke the words, "I hate myself," into your
> thoughts.  Do Christians really believe such lies?  Oh, you bet
> we do.  Can you believe that some Christians even commit suicide
> because of what they believe?  take my word for it; it's true.
> No, it isn't the norm.  The norm is anxiety, panic attacks, a
> feeling of perpetual helplessness and hopelessness, guilt that can
> choke a horse, shame that carries so much weight, it literally
> feels like you are carrying a 100 pound bag of cement on your
> shoulders, pride that would punch a hole in a solid brick wall,
> anger that would outshine the sun to the point of reducing it to
> cosmic ashes, sexual disfunctionality that will destroy any life,
> gender identity distortion that can cause any Christian to turn
> homosexual while believing it is because they were literally born
> that way, grief that will make the death of a loved one seem like
> a Sunday school picnic, depression that goes so deep, you will
> feel like you have dropped into a bottomless pit, family
> conflicts that will rip your heart out and be rolled over like a
> steamroller, marital strife worse than a charging elephant, and
> rejection that will feel like a passing asteroid has just slammed
> into your life, punching a hole in it, and passing right on
> through.
>      How do you find these lies and get rid of them?  I'm sorry,
> that would take a much longer article.  Please take time to log
> on to my website and read many articles which will deal with this
> very issue or call me.
> Safe Place Fellowship
> Phil Scovell
> Denver, Colorado
> Mountain Time Zone
> Phone:  303-507-5175
> Website:
> I Flew Kites With Jesus