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Brad Dunse <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Jun 2004 17:14:11 -0500
text/plain (170 lines)

Check out the Psalms, David wasn't exactly a happy camper many times. No
you are not possessed so we won't be calling you Poltergeist Pat anytime
soon. Resist the enemy and he will flee the word says, which is what you
did when he tossed the pills in your thoughts. This is why it is so
important for us to rely on faith and not feelings. Feelings and emotions
will run us all over the map like a Disney roller coaster, while
faith  holds the measure for a true and straight path which Christ being
the center of that faith. The enemy tends to like to pile up stuff in our
lives, to tell us things like... See/ Another thing gone wrong... what's
wrong with you anyway? But he certainly doesn't like to toss in stuff like
we've woke up breathing today and can spend another day loving our mates,
others around us, enjoying God's creation, and helping others. He tries to
get us down with the things that are only temporary of this world. If we
latch on to that depression he gives, we will live with glasses painted of
black deppression, but if we live with glasses painted of good report, and
uplifting thoughts worth thinking about and pondering on, we live life much


Pat Ferguson wrote:
>Thanks for this. I'm afraide I must agree with you, even though I hate to
>admit that Monday night of this week, something happened to me.
>I was laying in bed crying, and I have been struggling with many things, as
>I have been for the past few weeks. Something told me that I wasn't loving,
>and that I was a bad person, and that no one loved me. Something even told
>me to go and take a bunch of EllaVille to end it all. I was feeling pretty
>horrible. Of course, I did not do that. I know that it was a demon telling
>me this, and I even know that it was a demon that caused some things to
>happen, and caused me to react in the way I have with some situations.
>I think some times when Satan knows we are trying to keep a closer walk
>with Jesus, He loves to get his nose in our lives, and attack us. I believe
>this is what has been happening to me.
>Phil, could it be that I'm possessed with demons? I sure hope not.
>I love The Lord with all my heart, and I was doing soooooooooooo good,
>until a few weeks ago and things happened, and depression really set in.
>I've been way too emotional lately, everything makes me cry, and I don't
>like it.
>God Bless you all.
>Pat Ferguson
>At 10:43 PM 6/1/04, you wrote:
> >      I know this isn't widely accepted, and most certainly not
> >easily accepted by most Christians, but demons do talk to us as
> >Christians.  Worse than this, they can actually put their
> >feelings upon us and speak in the first person.  This, of course,
> >makes us immediately think we have said it or we have felt it.  As
> >I said, most Christian find this difficult, if not down right
> >impossible, to believe.   they jump up and down and demand I show
> >them in the Bible where this is true and sometimes I am called a
> >heretic, a false teacher, and only the Lord knows what they say
> >when I can't hear them.  Regardless, it is true and if you choose
> >not to believe it is possible, then God bless you anyway.  when it
> >happens to you, however, don't forget where you heard it and what
> >you heard about it so you can Scripturally deal with it.
> >
> >      I am bringing this up right now because, in recent days, I
> >have had demons speak to me twice in the first person and even
> >attempt, in one case, to put their feelings upon me to confirm
> >what they said was true.  After all, if it feels true, it has to
> >be true.  Right?  Wrong.  Anyhow, here are the two separate
> >experiences I want to share with you.  Just in case it happens to
> >you, of course, some day a hundred years from now or something
> >like that.
> >
> >      A couple of weeks ago, I wasn't doing anything in particular
> >except for thinking about something in my life.  I suddenly heard
> >in my thoughts, "I'm a drunk."  Not, "You are a drunk," but, "I am
> >a drunk."  I almost laughed out loud.  Why?  Because not only am I
> >not a drunk but even has a teenager, I hated the taste of
> >alcohol.  Twice, in my life, I tried drinking beer; just plain
> >old beer.  I got about a half a can down before handing it to a
> >friend to finish.  So, in my entire life time, I probably haven't
> >had enough alcoholic beverage to even fill one beer can.  Now
> >LSD, marijuana, hash, speed, and other related drugs is a
> >different story.  Booze, I hated.  I didn't even like wine, come
> >to think of it, but my point should be clear by now; I hate
> >anything alcoholic.
> >
> >      So, here I am, thinking about something totally unrelated to
> >booze, and I hear in my thoughts, "I am a drunk."  Sure I am.  So
> >what was the source of this lie?  I immediately began looking,
> >through prayer of course, for the source.  I knew, without
> >question, it was demonic, but why did a demon take that particular
> >time to try and plant a lie in the thought stream of my daily
> >life.  The answer would take more than a book to explain.  My
> >point is that a demon did speak those words in my thoughts to try
> >and gain a foothold in my life through an implanted lie.
> >Furthermore, he spoke in the first person to make me think I was
> >the one who thought it.
> >
> >      Now, just before writing this article, it happened again but
> >with a different theme.  I was seated at my desk doing little of
> >nothing, other than reading email, and when I replied and sent the
> >message off, suddenly, in my stream of consciousness, I heard, and
> >felt, "I hate myself."  Wow.  That could be true.  Maybe I do hate
> >myself.  I'm such a terrible person, a loser, and a failure.
> >Maybe I really do hate myself.  Nope, I didn't go that route of
> >thinking.  Why?  I am learning not everything that pops into my
> >thought life is of God or even of me.
> >
> >      First of all, in this case, I knew I did not hate myself.
> >Why should I?  God has revealed so many wonderful things to me and
> >how He is my Father and how He spends time with me and how He
> >hears and answers my prayers.  So why should I remotely consider
> >the possibility that I hate myself when God loves me.  Of course,
> >I am perfectly aware that others may indeed hate me and that it
> >could have been a demonic influence associated with that person.
> >After all, I pray with many people and some of them have demonic
> >activity all around them.
> >
> >      Then it hit me.  I didn't say it; a demon said it in the
> >first person to try and deceive me into thinking I said it so it
> >must be true.  Well, it isn't true; I don't hate myself.  so what
> >does a person do in such a case?  He, or she, takes every thought
> >captive.
> >
> >      Here is what I did.  I stopped typing and prayed.  Since I
> >was alone, I prayed out loud and I said these words.  "In the name
> >of the True Lord Jesus Christ, I call to attention the demon that
> >just said, "I hate myself," and tried putting the emotional
> >feelings on me to make me think it was true.  Furthermore, I call
> >to attention all those under your authority for the same reason.
> >Note.  You do this because it is rare that only one demon is
> >hanging around and pestering you.  They almost always have a bunch
> >of buddies with them to back up their wickedness.  Praying in this
> >manner, you lump them all together and you aren't stuck dealing
> >with demon after demon until you get rid of all of them.  So back
> >to my prayer.
> >
> >      Once I had called them all to attention in the name of the
> >True Lord Jesus Christ, I then say, "I bind your words spoken
> >against me and strip you of your armor and weapons and place the
> >blood of Jesus Christ upon them.  I now bind you all together as
> >one and I turn you over to the Chief Shepherd, the True Lord Jesus
> >Christ, and I command you to leave and to go right now to the
> >place the True Lord Jesus Christ wants you to go.  Be gone, now,
> >in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
> >
> >      What do you suppose happened immediately following this
> >prayer?  The feeling of worthlessness vanished.  Was it all in my
> >mind?  Was I just making all this up or are there really demons
> >sent to try and deceive us?  You decide because I already know the
> >truth and the truth has set me free.
> >
> >Phil.
> >
> >
> >I Flew Kites With Jesus
> >


   Manage conflict instead of avoiding it.  Conflict is often a necessary
step into unity