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A man of honor pays his debts with his own money. --DeGaulle
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 10:47:55 -0400
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In a message dated 6/25/2004 3:58:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [log in to unmask] writes:

> Although, I could never understand schmaltz (or however it's spelt with the smelt) - too gross a concept for me, but
> then I'm just a goyum.

Oy. Do we have to teach YOU PEOPLE everything, even when you've lived in Boro Park?

Schmaltz is spelled correctly. It means fat, specifically animal fat, and is no doubt disgusting.

Goyim (direct translation is "nations," meaning multiple non-Jewish people, but the word "gentile" works just fine, except for Mormons, who consider everybody but them [including us Hebes, BTW, but we know better] to be gentiles) is the correct spelling.  Because goyim (the suffix "-im" makes a word plural in Hebrew and sometimes in Yiddish) is the plural of "goy" (= nation = one [male] gentile), one person cannot be "a goyim," nor can a group of goyim be "a goyim."

If one is being gender specific, the singular versions are "sheygitz" for the male gentile, and "shicksa" for the female. As for the plural, males are "shgotzim" (note the "-im" again)...and I'm not sure what the plural form of "shicksa" is.  One would think "shicksim," but I've never heard that word, but suspect that "shicksas" (which I have heard) is an English formulation, since it doesn't work in Hebrew or Yiddish.  Anybody got a copy of "The Joys of Yiddish?"


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