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Handiham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 17:11:33 -0500
text/plain (47 lines)
Well, I'd suggest writing to your congressman, since it is federal
regulations that require this type of paperwork, not Handihams. I wish it
could be accessible, but it has to be signed paper, so there you are. I've
recorded tape overviews in the past, but that really doesn't help much with
the current crop of paperwork requirements.  Nancy will fill out most of it
on the phone, and you can call in with a toll free, so I don't know how to
make it much more accessible. I have complained about overzealous government
regulators in the past, but a lot of good it does. If you don't want to sign
any HIPAA paperwork, you don't have to. Just ignore it - you still receive
services from Handihams.
An overview of HIPAA privacy for Courage Center is here, on the Handiham


Patrick Tice
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]  <snip>
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 2:30 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: new handiham paperwork

I am sure that many Handiham members have received the latest packet of
paperwork that Handiham is requiring members to complete and return if they
wish to continue receiving services.  Frankly, I find most of it confusing,
highly invasive and an unwarranted invasion of privacy.  Furthermore, none
of this has anything to do with pursuing a license or with keeping up with
the latest news in the ham world.  Unless someone can explain the validity
of this I do not plan to fill out any of this.  These personal questions may
have validity to others receiving services from Courage Center but it has
little to do with ham radio.  I feel that Handiham should seriously consider
breaking away from Courage Center and forming an entity of its own.  Like I
said, I don't plan to complete this paperwork.  I just joined thinking it
would be a good vehicle towards pursuing my Extra class license, but if all
this goes with it I am not interested.

And while it is true that they did read the material on cassette tape
Handiham provided no accessible method of completing this mountain of
paperwork.  How hypocritical is that?  73.