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Barbara Lombardi <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Barbara Lombardi <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:06:10 -0500
text/plain (86 lines)
yes equipment does cost to maintain, repair etc.  guess we can't get away
from it hi hi.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: I have to comment on the use of 73

> Don,
> I'll be sure to play dead serious radio with you if we ever talk.  There
> is
> a time and place for everything.  After 41 years of being a ham,
> contesting,
> passing more traffic in an average year than most hams do in a life time,
> being active in Mars nets for many years, sideband and CW Mars both,
> handling overseas phone patch traffic during the Vietnam period of time,
> net
> controlling local nets and regional nets for many years, I think I have a
> pretty good handle on when to be serious and when to enjoy the hobby.
> Thanks for the warning anyhow.  In all my years, however, I have never
> seen
> a club that wasn't concerned about money in order to maintain equipment.
> In
> fact, I wouldn't join a club that wasn't interested in such.
> Phil,
> K0NX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Don Tarbet" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 4:55 PM
> Subject: Re: I have to comment on the use of 73
>> No, dollars aren't all we are after.  We are interested in public
>> service,
>> emergency communications, and protecting our spectrum.  Cute and clever
>> works among your friends, but has no place in the wider world of radio
>> where communication is the issue.  I have heard so many instances in
>> which
>> the clever degrades comprehensibility that I have little patience with
>> it.
>> The idea is to communicate.  Use the ITU phonetic alphabet or something
>> close to it.  I have heard too many broken QSOs in which somebody tried
>> to
>> be cute, but language barriers, QRM, QSB, QRN, and just differences in
>> style prevented communications.  And there are people like me whose
> hearing
>> is bad.  If you play games, you and I can't talk on the radio, except on
> CW
>> which I did on SKN.  Communication, not cleverness, is the name of the
> game.
>> ...and I am president of a ham club, an officer of ARES, and an officer
>> of
>> REACT.  Money is nice, but it doesn't define us.  Communication defines
> us,
>> and cutesy stuff degrades what we are.  Have fun with your friends, but
>> don't bother to speak radio pig-english with me.
>> 73
>> Don KD1XU
>> At 03:42 PM 1/2/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>> >I prefer saying seventy freeze.  Difficult to do on CW but what the hay.
>> >Furthermore, on voice, I have created a whole new set of things.  For
>> >example, on two meters, a bunch of us now say, Bull Winkle when we mean
>> >affirmative.  Signing off, I say,toodles which is short for toodleilou.
> It
>> >drives People crazy.  I often also, on two meters in particular since
> there
>> >are so many ham cops on there telling others how to operate their radio,
>> >sign off with somebody saying this is K0NX over and out.  The club I am
>> >a
>> >member of let's me get away with it because I have brought so many new
> hams
>> >into their club.  Money means everything in ham clubs.  By the way, I
> talk with a blind friend who also uses two, not one, but two ear implants
> and I know how to talk to him so he hears me so rest easy Don.
>> >
>> >Phil.