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Brooke Cortelessa <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 28 May 2004 00:55:39 EDT
text/plain (48 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is a month late, but I have been swamped with finals for Grad. school
and work.

First, thanks to everyone who responded. I will try to respond to each and
everyone within the next couple of days. My original post was about gaining 15
pounds since Jan. when I began my GF diet. I am always bloated, gassy and very
uncomfortable. Several people mentioned that it could be my thyroid. Twice I
had this checked, and just last month was the most recent time my PCP checked
it. I have been anemic, (and still am anemic after eating GF for nearly 4
months and taking vitamins w/ iron), I lost a lot of hair, and I am tired all the
time. Is it worth getting re-tested for a thyroid problem?

Here are the responses:
-Several said they believe it is my thyroid and I should have my Thyroid
tested - thyroid antibodies too (had it tested twice, waiting to see if I need it
-I could be having reactions to other proteins besides gluten, too, such as
casein (dairy protein) or lectins (vegetable proteins in legumes)
-Try increasing the volume of fruit and vegies you eat (fewer carbs and more
fiber).  I also found that sunflower seeds seem to have a laxative effect, and
do releive the gas and constipation somewhat (I have followed this suggestion)
-take magnesium, calcium and zinc to help with the bloating (I am doing this)
- eat PALEO (caveman) diet by giving up:
ALL TUBERS (potatoes, yams)
ALL processed foods
and eatP
Lots of fruits and veggies  - especially berries !
Lots of lean protein (fish, pork, turkey, chicken, eggs, and some beef-
though it's not very lean)
-Eat raw parsley---it will make you urinate so you aren't so bloated.
-May I suggest the following steps: 1.  Cut back or stop eating raw foods,
like salad, for a few weeks.  Give your intestines a chance to heal.  Eat
lightly steamed veggies instead.
2.  Low salt diet.  3.  Smaller portions.  Put less strain on your digestive
system by eating smaller meals instead of 3 regular meals. I did this by
making a normal lunch and putting half away for a few hours later.  It really
worked well.  4.  Reduce your sugar intake.
No sodas and water down your juices.  and watch your total carb intake.  This
won't be forever.  You will find a new way of eating for your body's health.

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