----- Original Message -----
From: "Kristina Carlton"
>The problem is blastocystis hominis. It has adapted to medication typically
>prescribed for it and now thrives on it
I've never heard of this before.
Found this:
"Despite the controversial clinical significance of this organism,
metronidazole or iodoquinol has been reported to be effective."
This site gives some interesting info if you'll click on the tabs.
I know a couple of women who, following hysterectomy, suddenly became
environmentally sensitive and allergic to things which they'd never been
allergic to before, including but not limited to foods. If leaky gut is a
problem, be vigilant about keeping grains and derivatives of grain out of
your diet. Even smidgen portions. And giving your gut every chance to heal
itself may not include colonics. Eighteen months is a long time to suffer.
I wish you all the best.