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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Lindsay Amadeo <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Jul 2004 22:25:37 -0500
Lindsay Amadeo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to all that responded.  I should have been more specific to ask
about tests to determine accidental gluten ingestion in follow up

No consensus, but several recommendations to use the tTG and/or the test
that was the highest indicators of gluten ingestion prior to diagnosis.


Specific comments:

· Blood test will be positive if not consuming gluten
· We were just at the U of MD Center for Celiac Research and Dr.
Fasano is running the the whole tTG and the EMA on my son as follow up.
· The best test for follow up is individualized. Whatever test was
highest when you had the celiac panel when you were diagnosed, is the one
you should have done for followup
· I truly don't believe there are any accurate tests for low levels
of gluten in the diet.  I got really sick for several months a few years
ago.  I couldn't figure out why, so thought I'd do a blood test to see if I
was accidentally getting some gluten from some hidden source.  The
antigliadin tests came out negative.  That supposedly meant I wasn't
ingesting any gluten.  However soon after I got the results, I finally
discovered the source of the gluten.  It was in a seasoned salt I put on my
chicken two or three times a week. The company changed their recipe w/o
changing their labeling.  When I stopped  using the seasoned salt.  I got
well.  So I knew I had been exposed to low levels of gluten for five
months, but the blood works said I hadn't.  From that experience, I don't
trust blood work to screen for compliance to the GF diet.  They are simply
not sensitive enough to detect low  level gluten exposure.

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *